Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Save 50% off US Written Dental Quote


Invisalign not included in this offer.

Phone: (619) 482-3265 English & Spanish
International: 011526642002606
  • White Smile Center
  • Tijuana Baja California
  • Paseo De Los Heroes #9150, Suite A6
  • Torre Mol, Zona Rio
  • Tijuana, BC
  • Mexico

Cost Mexican Dentist Gum Treatments

  • Simple Cleaning = $60
  • Deep cleaning (per quadrant) = $80
  • Periodontal Surgery (per quadrant) = $330
Phone: (619) 482-3265 English & Spanish
International: 011526642002606
  • White Smile Center
  • Tijuana Baja California
  • Paseo De Los Heroes #9150, Suite A6
  • Torre Mol, Zona Rio
  • Tijuana, BC
  • Mexico

Cost of Veneers and Lumineers in Mexico Dentist

    Cost of Veneers and Lumineers in Mexico Dentist

  • IPS EMPRESS II = $450
Veneers and Lumineers will cost at least 50% less at our Tijuana Dental Office.

Contact Us now for an appointment
  • Phone: (619) 482-3265 Spanish
  • (619) 482-3265 English
  • International: 011526642002606

Cost of Tooth Extractions At Mexian Dentist

  • Simple Extraction = $60
  • Surgical/Root Extraction = $120
  • Wisdom Tooth Extraction = $180
  • Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extraction = $220
See our full price list.

Phone: (619) 482-3265 Bilingual
International: 011526642002606

White Smile Center
Tijuana Baja California
Paseo De Los Heroes #9150, Suite A6
Torre Mol, Zona Rio
Tijuana, BC

Prices for veneers in Tijuana Mexico

    Cost of Veneers and Lumineers in Mexico Dentist

  • IPS EMPRESS II = $450
Veneers and Lumineers will cost at least 50% less at our Tijuana Dental Office.

Contact Us now for an appointment
  • Phone: (619) 482-3265 Spanish
  • (619) 482-3265 English
  • International: 011526642002606

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dental Phobia, Chula Vista

A fear or anxiety associated with visiting a dentist is often referred to as dental phobia. Dental phobia is often the reason people avoid regular check-ups with a dentist. This naturally has serious consequences for the state of oral health and general well-being for many people.
Neglecting your oral health can have numerous unfavourable effects. One of these could be chronically infected gums which can seriously compromise your ability to chew and digest. You may even lose teeth. Your speech may then be affected. You may also develop consistent bad breath and an unattractive smile. All these things are likely to create social and psychological barriers in your relationships. It is also well documented that poor oral health can have resounding effects on your general health. It is for this reasons and many more that dental phobia must be addressed.
How do you put an end to your dental phobia?
1. Dental fear can be overcome.
Understanding that dental phobia can be overcome is a good beginning. You are not destined to suffer from dental phobia for your entire life. The fear you associate with visiting the dentist can be unlearned. Keep in mind when visiting the dentist that you are not simply a set of teeth but a person. A concerted effort to make use of techniques discussed below can put your fear to rest.
2. A suitable dentist.
It is essential to have a dentist and staff that are suitable. Your visit to the dentist can be pleasant with a dentist who is sympathetic towards your dental phobia. Dentists genuinely concerned about your welfare will listen carefully to your needs and proceed accordingly. You should not hesitate to seek out an alternative dentist in the event that this is not the case.
3. Be honest with your dentist.
There are many treatment options that people do not know about. Several of these could assist you greatly. Try to put aside any embarrassment you feel for the current state of your oral health. Your dentist will be able to help you to a greater degree if you communicate openly and honestly about your concerns.
4. Good communication.
Effective communication between you and your dentist can go a long way to making you feel comfortable. You could eliminate the fear of the unknown by communicating to your dentist such pieces of information as lengths of appointments that you can tolerate. Establishing a signalling system to indicate the need for a break or some other message can also give you confidence. Raising a hand while in the dental chair is a commonly used hand signal.
5. Knowledge.
Obtaining knowledge about prospective dental procedures can put to rest any anxiety. Information regarding dental procedures is readily available in brochures in the practice, books and the internet. Any remaining questions can be answered by your dentist. Your dentist is well aware of the seriousness of dental phobia. So do not hesitate to take part in decisions relating to your treatment plan.
6. Relaxation techniques.
Learning to relax when visiting the dentist is imperative. Various physical relaxation techniques can put your mind at ease. It may do you some good to look into books on diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga.
7. Distraction techniques.
Distraction techniques can assist you to make dental visits more tolerable. One common method used for distraction is to listen to music while your dentist works. Some dental practices keep on hand Walkmans or Discmans. Keep in mind not to hinder your communication when making use of distraction techniques.
8. Predictable pain control.
Local anaesthetics can be utilized to prevent pain. Some people though require more customized techniques in order to attain proper local anaesthesia. It is therefore important that your dentist be made aware of your situation.
Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as 'laughing gas', can relieve pain. Several oral medications can also assist you with dental phobia. Medication such as valium can make you feel considerably relaxed throughout any dental procedure.
A discussion with your dentist could help you to identify a suitable option.
For more information about Stress Free Dental, visit our Chula Vista Dentist Office Website

Making Dental Affordable, Chula Vista, San Diego

In the United States most companies offer their employees dental insurance, but yet many do not. They slip through the holes of the system - the in-betweeners - that have to pay, but struggle to pay the out-of-pocket expenses.

The in-betweeners have two choices, go without any insurance, go to the dentist and take the full attack on their pocketbook, or don't go to a dentist at all and just wait till the ax to fall. And it will - there is a 50-50 chance that a toothache will hit you, or if you're married - your family.


There is more to Dental Health than a winning smile or avoiding that terrible toothache - it is important to your overall health. Let me give you one example.

Joe Smith has just learned that he has diabetes - how can diabetes affect his teeth. If you do not maintain dental health you can be at risk for:

· tooth decay
· gum disease
· salivary gland dysfunction
· fungal diseases
· infections and delayed healing

These problems can be kept in check with preventive oral health care, 6 month or yearly cleanings.

It is easy to forget our teeth, gums and mouth, but they are definitely part of our physical health and well being. And with the help of a good dental health plan - you can prevent bone disease, gum disease and infections.  Visit your local dentists and talk to them about Dental Plans they may have in place to assist those financial burdens.

For more information about Affordable Dentists, visit our Chula Vista Dentist Office Website


Don't Ignore Bad Breath, San Diego

Does this sound familiar to you? My dentist and hygienist mentioned that I had irritated gums as they cleaned my teeth. This is a symptom of gingivitis. Gingivitis can be a stepping stone to major problems in the mouth and gum line. It can lead to periodontal disease, which is a much more serious problem with the potential for actual bone loss.

Halitosis (bad breath) could be related to a gingivitis infection as both are caused by bacteria. Red, swollen and/or bleeding gums characterize gingivitis. These symptoms are most evident upon flossing and sometimes from brushing.

Bacteria cause gingivitis. And bacteria are considered to be responsible for bad breath.

Sometimes, I could even see the bloodstains that the hygienist quietly wiped away with a towel. It was embarrassing enough to know that I wasn't controlling my gingivitis problem, but to know that she was actually trying not to make a big deal out of it was troubling.

I knew my dentist was concerned because she gave me a bottle of alcohol based mouthwash to try and mentioned that she wanted to see how I looked next time. I don't like using it; there is too much alcohol and the taste is not very pleasant. Alcohol may also dry the mucous membranes in the mouth.

For more information about Dentistry, visit our Chula Vista Dentist Office Website




Friday, June 12, 2009

Dental Implants Information

Dental implants are ideal to replace broken or damaged teeth. Be advised that these dental implants can be a costly procedure as well as lengthy procedure.
Typically, dental implants have a starting cost around $1000 dollars for each tooth. If you have dentures, bridges, broken or damaged teeth dental implants could be a great investment for your smile. This procedure has very low failure rates. If a failure was to occur, chances are that there was an undetected bacterial infection during the install of the implant.
Timeframes needed to complete the dental implant procedure have a few contributing factors. One such factor is state of the jawbone. If the doctor needs more jawbone to work with, bone grafting may be required. This process must be completed and healed before the dental implant can be installed.
Osseointegration is a process where a titanium post is screwed into the jawbone. This must be left for 3-6 months so that the bone can fuse around it. A plate style implant may be used between the gum and the jawbone if the bone integrity is not ideal.
Once the healing has completed, the doctor will make a cast of the mouth. Then a ceramic tooth will be made to match the existing shape and color of the teeth.
It is always advisable to consult your dentist regarding dental implants. In some cases, they may be able to offer you a finance plan to have the procedure done. Be sure to ask any and all questions about dental implants with your.
As an author at eZ-search, Chris Miller contributes to the growing content found within the site and shares his knowledge about dental implants.

Benefits of Implant Tech With No Bone Loss

Without the proper treatment by a dental implant specialist and continued maintenance, the success rates of dental implants are greatly reduced. Complications from dental implants can include inflammation, swelling, tissue loss, bone loss, or even nerve damage to the gums and jaw bone.
Fortunately, there is an implant system, which along with the help of an experienced practitioner, ensures long-term form and aesthetic function. Periodontists have spent the past seven years spreading the word about the implant system, in hopes that the world's dentists and practitioners will adopt the best implant treatment possible.
The design is so unique and successful that all of the world's leading implant manufacturers have cloned this design concept over the last several years. The design preserves bone in the jaw. This is essential when having esthetic tooth replacement in the front of the mouth. If the bone even recedes 2 mm under the gum over time, the overlying gum tissue will recede causing an aesthetic failure.
Since the inception of implantology 35 years ago, dentists have been treating implant patients under the rule that 2 mm of bone resorption within the first year of the procedure is permissible. However, research has shown that over time even 2 mm of bone loss has repercussions, in that the gum tissue loses stability and becomes susceptible to inflammation.
It has virtually no micromovement, is bacteria proofed, prevents bone resorption, and ensures stable and healthy soft tissue in the jaw.
The purpose was to demonstrate whether or not the system meets dentists' and clients' standards of success and is suitable for single tooth replacements, bridge abutments, and retention.
Evaluating nearly 5,500 implants, the study tested for clinical stability, inflammation of hard and soft tissue, bone loss, mucosa loss, and patient satisfaction. The results found a 98.7% success for restoration and 97.9% success for end-implant restoration; a 97.3% success rate where there was a large gap involved; and a 95.8% success rate when involving reduced dentition.
Periodontists' patients can live a life without worrying about their implants. Their patients don't have to worry about infection or long-term bone loss, and it looks so natural that they have little self-consciousness about their implants. They can only hope every dentist adopts this system as the periodontists at their practice have.
If you would like to learn more about dental implants, or you would like to schedule a consultation with Philadelphia, Pennsylvania dental implant expert Dr. David DiGiallorenzo, please call (610) 409-6064 in Collegeville; (570) 322-4741 in Williamsport.
© 2009 Sinai Google Marketing and Dr. David Digiallorenzo. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Sinai Marketing is credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this article is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Friday, June 5, 2009

6 Months Braces San Diego

Six Month Braces

If you would like straight teeth in only six months, The Six Month Braces is a swift, affordable way to achieve that smile you've always desired in only six months time.

We can optimize your smile using the six month braces technique to adjust the positions of your teeth.

No matter if your teeth crowd together, overlap, or are spaced, the Six Month Braces technique will afford you the smile you've always wanted, but never thought possible in just six months.

To learn more about Straightening with Braces, contact

Chula Vista Dentist

Read More about Braces Here
6 Month Braces | Traditional Braces | Braces - Ceramic

About Braces what to Expect

Braces What To Expect:

A majority of patients wear braces anywhere from one to three years, depending upon your individual needs, followed by briefly wearing a retainer meant to hold your teeth in position.

Optimum comfort is an objective behind the design of your braces.

If you or your child has to wear braces, we recommend using special toothbrushes, rinses, and plaque fighting tablets to ensure the teeth and gums stay clean and healthy. Brush Often, after every meal and snack. Replace toothbrushes every three months as the pressure from the braces can wear the bristles down quickly. If you are unable to brush, rinse after eating, no exceptions. Bits of food can be removed from between the teeth and gums by using dental floss.

Your dentist may give you floss with a special threader to assist with flossing. Watch out for small pieces of food left behind, and remove them instantly to avoid gum infections and tooth decay. The Six Month Braces is the quick, affordable way to help you have the smile you've desired in only six months.

To learn more about Straightening with Braces, contact

Chula Vista Dentist

Read More about Braces Here
6 Month Braces | Traditional Braces | Braces - Ceramic

About Braces for Straight Teeth


Is the look of crowded, or crooked teeth taking the sparkle out of your smile?

Have you ever had tooth decay, gum disease, or pain in your jaw? Do you find cleaning your teeth and gums properly a little difficult?

The answer to this may lie in correcting your bite problems with braces!

Because of advancements in modern orthodontia techniques, time consumed for treatment is shorter, and materials have been much improved so braces are more comfortable than ever, less conspicuous, and affordable.

Expect Success: For braces to do what they are meant to do, everyone must follow and stick with a dental treatment plan.

As your dentist, it is my duty to develop a customized plan of action that will create your healthiest, most beautiful smile; your hygienist is here to teach you how to care for your teeth, and new braces properly during treatment, and you have to keep your appointments, and follow your daily care, and cleaning routine to the letter.

To learn more about replacing your missing teeth with Braces, contact

Chula Vista Dentist

Read More about
6 Month Braces | Traditional Braces | Braces - Ceramic

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Single Tooth Anesthesia San Diego

Bonita Del Rey dental care are at present using an Modern computerized anesthesia system named STA or Single Tooth Anesthesia. The STA system releases an exact amount of anesthesia throughout your dental procedure to assure no pain either from the injections or the work your dental practitioner is doing. Only the area worked on is numbed!