Monday, December 22, 2008

Braces for Straight Teeth, San Diego

Doesn't your Child deserve the best smile they can have, first Impressions do Count, so make your Child's, or your own Smile the best it can be

Visit website San Diego Dentist or Read More about Braces San Diego

San Deigo Dentist

San Diego Dentist, Chula Vista, Eastlake, Bonita and the whole South Bay area

San Diego Dentist Aldo M. Espinosa D.D.S, has the best prices in San Diego, has payment plans to help for the really big jobs.

Aldo trained in Dentistry in San Diego, and while specializing in Cosmetic Dentistry does all general dentistry as well.

Dr. Espinosa has many Dental patients he see's from the Chula Vista, Eastlake, Bonita and the whole South Bay area

Visit his website San Diego Dentist

Dentist, Chula Vista

San Diego Dentist Aldo M. Espinosa D.D.S, has the best prices in San Diego, has payment plans to help for the really big jobs.

Aldo trained in Dentistry in San Diego, and while specializing in Cosmetic Dentistry does all general dentistry as well.

Dr. Espinosa has many Dental patients he see's from the Chula Vista, Eastlake, Bonita and the whole South Bay area

Visit his website San Diego Dentist

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dentures and Partials Options for Missing Teeth

If you have lost some or all of your teeth, whether from periodontal disease, tooth decay or injury, dentures (false teeth) can replace your missing teeth and give you your smile back. Replacing missing teeth with dentures will benefit both your appearance and your health. Without support from the denture, facial muscles sag and make a person look older.
With dentures, you will be able to enjoy food again and speak much more clearly, two things often taken for granted until natural teeth are lost. When you have missing teeth, it is important to replace them to maintain a healthy smile and not prevent remaining teeth from drifting into the empty spaces.
Advances in cosmetic dentistry have made many improvements in dentures. Dentures are now more natural-looking and much more comfortable than they used to be.
Dentures can be complete or partial; complete dentures cover your entire upper and lower jaw and partials replace one or a few teeth.
Complete Dentures
There are various types of complete dentures. A conventional full denture is made and placed in the patient's mouth after all the remaining teeth are removed and tissues have healed; this process may take several months. An immediate complete denture is put in the mouth as soon as the remaining teeth are removed. Your cosmetic dentist will take measurements and make models of your jaws during the preliminary visit. With immediate dentures, the patient does not have to be without teeth during the healing period.
With full dentures, as with your natural teeth, you must practice excellent oral hygiene. Brushing your gums, tongue and palate every morning with a soft-bristled toothbrush before you insert your dentures is necessary.
Partial Dentures
If you are missing only a few teeth scattered over either arch (upper or lower teeth) or if you have a minimum of two teeth on both sides of the arch, then you can replace the missing teeth with a removable partial denture (RPD).
A partial denture is a removable dental appliance that replaces multiple missing teeth. A partial can be attached to the teeth with clasps or it can be attached with crowns and hidden clasps. Both types have a metal framework and plastic teeth and gum areas.
Dentures substantially accelerate the aging process of the face because the distance between your nose and your chin begins to decrease as natural teeth are extracted. The bone that formerly held your top natural teeth begins to retreat up toward your nose, and the bone that held your lower teeth goes down, allowing both the top and bottom false teeth to follow in the same directions.
Dentures do not last forever, and patients must return every two years for what is called a "reline." The longer you wear dentures, the more your gums change underneath the denture and the looser the dentures become. In order to restore the denture and to prevent flabby gum tissue under it, you should have the denture professionally relined every two years. Dentures typically need to be replaced every five to seven years.
If you would like to learn more about your options to replace missing teeth, please visit the website of the Nu Smile Center for Aesthetic & Restorative Dentistry. Dr. Arthur Kwan and Dr. Sally Hsu serve patients in Rocklin, Sacramento, Roseville and Lincoln, California.

Aging Teeth Need A Lot of Attention

Why Do Aging Teeth Need A Lot of Attention

People are living longer and healthier lives, and so are our teeth when they are well taken care of. However, studies indicate that older people have the highest rates of periodontal disease and need to do more to maintain good oral health so their pearly whites last as long as they do.
Regardless of your age, it's important to keep your mouth clean, healthy and feeling good, and it's important to know the state of your periodontal health.
· At least half of people over age 55 have gum disease.

· Almost one in four people age 65 and older have lost all of their teeth.

· Receding gum tissue affects the majority of older people.

· Gum disease and tooth decay are the leading causes of tooth loss in older adults.
What you may not realize is that oral health is not just important for maintaining a nice-looking smile and being able to eat all the foods you love. Good oral health is essential to quality of life. If you live in the Boston area, there are cosmetic dentistry options that can increase the life of your teeth.
While your likelihood of developing periodontal disease increases with age, the good news is that research suggests that these higher rates may be related to risk factors other than age. Periodontal disease is not an inevitable aspect of aging. Risk factors that may make older people more susceptible include general health status, diminished immune status, medications, depression, worsening memory, diminished salivary flow, functional impairments and change in financial status.
Older adults are likely to take medications that can impact oral health and affect dental treatment. Hundreds of common medications, including antihistamines, diuretics, painkillers, high blood pressure medications, and antidepressants can cause side effects such as dry mouth, soft tissue changes, taste changes, and gingival overgrowth.
Dry mouth leaves the mouth without enough saliva to wash away food and neutralize plaque, leaving you more susceptible to tooth decay and periodontal disease. In addition, dry mouth can cause sore throat, problems with speaking, difficulty swallowing and hoarseness. Your dentist can recommend various methods to restore moisture, including sugarless gum, oral rinses or artificial saliva products.
Be sure to tell your dental professional about any medications that you are taking, including herbal remedies and over-the-counter medications.
Special Concerns for Older Women
Women who are menopausal or post-menopausal may experience changes in their mouths. Recent studies suggest that estrogen deficiency could place post-menopausal women at higher risk for severe periodontal disease and tooth loss.
In addition, hormonal changes in older women may result in discomfort in the mouth, including dry mouth, pain and burning sensations in the gum tissue and altered taste, especially salty, peppery or sour.
Bone loss is associated with both periodontal disease and osteoporosis. Osteoporosis could lead to tooth loss because the density of the bone that supports the teeth may be decreased. More research is being done to determine if and how a relationship between osteoporosis and periodontal disease exists.
Dental Implants
More and more older people are selecting dental implants over dentures as a replacement option for lost teeth. Whether you have lost one or all of your teeth, dental implants allow you to have teeth that look and feel just like your own. Older adults have similar success rate with implants compared with younger people. As long as you are in good health, you are never too old to receive a dental implant.
A dental implant is an artificial tooth root placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge in place. While high-tech in nature, dental implants are actually more tooth saving than traditional bridgework since implants do not rely on neighboring teeth for support.
Denture Care
Denture wearers need to avoid plaque buildup that can irritate the tissues under the dentures. Thoroughly clean dentures daily and remove dentures at night to avoid bacteria growth. If you wear dentures, you need to continue to see a dental professional regularly. Because mouths continually change, dentures need to be checked for proper fit to avoid irritation, increased bone loss and infections. A change in the fit of partial dentures could indicate periodontal disease.
Preventing Gum Disease
Even if you have managed to avoid periodontal disease until now, it is especially important to practice a meticulous oral care routine as you age. Receding gum tissue affects a large percentage of older people. This condition exposes the roots of teeth and makes them more vulnerable to decay and periodontal infection.
To keep your teeth for a lifetime, you must remove the plaque from your teeth and gums every day with proper brushing and flossing. Regular dental visits are also important. A professional cleaning at least twice a year is necessary to remove plaque from places your toothbrush and floss may have missed.
If you would like to learn more about general and cosmetic dentistry in Massachusetts, especially in the Boston, Braintree, and South Shore areas, please visit the website of Pinnacle Dental Aesthetics today.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Adverse Effects of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a remarkable advancement in dental research. They resemble natural teeth, are extremely sturdy, require the same maintenance as natural teeth and often can last a person’s lifetime. Dental implants are defined as “permanent fixtures of titanium posts anchored to the jawbone and topped with individual replacement teeth or a bridge that screws or cements into the post.” Dental implants got their start in Sweden but the technology and materials that are being used in North America today have been successfully used in European countries for the past thirty years.
The success rate for both upper and lower implants is extremely high. For instance, lower implants have the highest success rate at 98 percent while for upper implants it is 91 percent. However there are some adverse effects that are associated with dental implants although the good news is that there is not that many. Let’s take a look at some of them.
Sometimes dental implant surgery fails because of bacterial contamination that is to be found at the site of the implants. If the area is not adequately cleaned beforehand then this is likely to occur. In order to decrease the chance of infection occurring following the surgery, patients are often prescribed one or a variety of prophylactic systemic antibiotics. The use of antibiotics in some individuals can cause its share of adverse effects ranging from diarrhea and vomiting to more serious allergic reactions that require immediate medical attention. With the use of antibiotics comes a concern about bacteria that is antibiotic-resistant. Tests are ongoing to determine to what extent antibiotics are necessary where dental implant surgery is concerned. This issue is somewhat of a controversial one as some patients seem to benefit from the use of antibiotics after surgery while others find it a hindrance to healing and ushers in a host of other adverse side effects. Some researchers believe that prophylactic antibiotics are very effective in reducing the incidence of dental implant failures while others are still not sure. New research into these health issues is being undertaken all of the time.
Some individuals are more likely to develop infections after surgery than are others because of a comprised immune system or a metabolic disease, such as those with diabetes. Other people prone to infection following surgery include people who are at risk of, or who have a past history of, heart related infections (or endocarditis) and those who have had radiotherapy either in the area of their head or neck. Patients with any of the above conditions are often administered preoperative antibiotics before the dental implant surgery is undertaken.
Other adverse effects of having dental implants placed in one’s mouth include the discomfort, bruising and swelling that often occurs afterwards. No two people have all of the same adverse effect postoperative but most people will experience a small extent of at least one of them. Sometimes the dental implants do not integrate to a patient’s mouth. This is another way of saying that the surgery can be a total flop. The failure of surgery can depend on a number of factors but the most common ones have to do with the type of implants that are used as well as the general health of the patient getting the surgery. As a general rule, the better health a person is in, the more likely that the surgery will be a success.
Stephanie Dilson is a Dental Surgeon and in her spare time runs an informational site on Dental Implants for all those interested in the process to find out valuable information on the cost, benefits, risks and features of this increasingly popular procedure. For more information see

Causes of Dental Implant Failure

Statistics have shown that risk of dental implant failure is about five percent for lower jaw implants and ten percent for upper jaw implants. But one of the most confusing aspects of dental implant failure is that in one person having multiple implants, perhaps all but one of the implants will be successful. There has been no way, to this point, to determine what causes selective dental implant failure.
Some dental surgeons have suggested that this kind of dental implant failure is the result of bacteria present in the jawbone before an implant is inserted; when the implant is screwed into the bone, it unleashes the bacteria and turns them loose in the tissue surrounding the implant. As long as the other implants are placed in bacteria free bone, they will heal cleanly and quickly, but the germ-infested implant will eventually become inflamed, never healing correctly, and the implant will eventually fail.
Dental Implant Rejection

Dental implant failure is not the same as dental implant rejection. Dental implants are made of titanium, a metal which, because of its “inert” nature, has been used for nearly forty years in hip replacements. Titanium causes no adverse reactions in human tissue, and when it is commercially pure, no allergic reactions.
A dental implant, however, can become contaminated at the factory where they are made, even though all dental implant manufacturers must comply with strict FDA quality standards. Or it could get contaminated in the dentist’s office during the implantation procedure, although all dental surgeons and periodontists are also expected to follow the highest sanitation practices.
Whatever the underlying cause of a dental implant failure, the failure is most likely to surface shortly after the implant procedure. Anyone experiencing excessive discomfort or bleeding after an implant procedure should contact their dental surgeon immediately.
Additional Caused For Dental Implant Failure

But dental implant failure can also be the result of the patient’s neglect of aftercare. The dental surgeon will provide a clear set of instructions on caring for the new implant, and it is essential that the instructions be followed. If, in spite of maintaining the implant properly, the patient still develops swelling or tenderness around the implant, it could be a sign of infections and the dentist should be consulted as soon as possible.
A dental implant failure can also occur if the implant has been improperly situated. A poorly placed implant will be disturbed by the mouth’s biting motion; and people who know they grind their teeth in their sleep should ask their dentists if they are good candidates for dental implants. In most cases the dentist will simply supply you with a mouth keep your teeth grinding at a minimum.
And if, in spite of your best efforts, you experience dental implant failure, you can simply have the implant replaced when the cause of the failure has been determined and eliminated.
You can also find more info on Dental Implant and Dental Implant Bone. is a comprehensive resource to know about Dental Implant.

Replacement Teeth That Look and Feel Like Your Own

Dental implants are an ideal option for children in good general oral health who have lost a tooth or multiple teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury, or some other reason. This is especially true for young children and teenagers who have lost teeth.
A study completed in 2002 in North Carolina stated that 85% of accidents involving children are facial or dental in nature. Many peridontists volunteer time and services to low income children who have lost permanent teeth. Children are able to eat normally and the permanence of the implants are exactly what is needed for body image. While high-tech in nature, dental implants are actually more tooth-saving than traditional bridgework, since implants do not rely on neighboring teeth for support.
Dental implants are so natural looking and feeling that most children forget that they have ever lost a tooth. The confidence that dental implants give the patient affects how they feel about other aspects of their lives. Nutritional health is another positive reason to have them, along with good periodontal care. If you are missing one or more teeth and would like to feel more relaxed with your smile, or speak and eat again with comfort and confidence, there is good news! Tooth implants are the replacement teeth that can look and feel just like your own! Under proper conditions, such as placement by a periodontist and diligent patient maintenance, implants can last a lifetime. Long-term studies continue to show improving success rates for implants.
Be comfortable smiling again! It's possible, and easier than you think.
Charlotte Oral Surgery ( specializes in facial surgery and dental implants in Charlotte. Billings Farnsworth is a freelance writer.

What is the Best Option to Replace Missing Teeth?

Do you have a problem with missing teeth? Tooth loss is often caused by an injury, periodontal disease, and the likes. With this problem, smiling somehow becomes a tedious task for everyone. The confidence level also plummets thereby causing emotional stress for fear of rejection or being laughed at. With this concern comes dental implant as the process which could save you from all the anxieties that concern your socialization skills and self-esteem issues.
What are the discomforts that you have when you lose your tooth?
Apart from the fact that you rarely flash your smile on anybody, losing a tooth could make you sensitive to the food that you take in. You also find it difficult to chew on your food and find eating less appealing. Similarly, it affects the way you speak. Now the good news is that you could submit yourself to dental implants!
Why get a dental implant?
The dental implant is a kind of artificial tooth root which is embedded into the jaw which serves to hold a bridge or a replacement tooth. This then comes as an available option for the individuals who possess a perfect oral health condition. As compared to the typical bridgework, dental implants are much more tooth-saving. It is due to the reason that they don't have to engage the rest of the teeth within the arch for support.
Nevertheless, the dental implants give you a feeling of comfort while at the same time it makes your teeth look natural. You could even forget about the exact piece of tooth that you have lost. You could regain your confidence, flash your trademark killer smile, eat and speak again with utmost confidence and convenience, and overall, just be your old self once again!
What could you get out of dental implants?
The procedure is sure to replace the tooth or teeth that you have lost due to an injury or a disease. It doesn't affect the rest of the teeth in the same arch. It is also more convenient since it supports a bridge and does away with the necessity to take away any fractional denture. More so, it caters to securing the hold of a denture.
What are the kinds of dental implants which are available these days?
There are two general types which are administered in these days. They are the following:
Endosteal. This is done in the bone and the most adhered to. Cylinders, screws, or the blades may be placed in the jawbone through a surgical procedure. Each of the implants encloses one or more pieces of prosthetic teeth. If you have removable dentures or bridges, you could opt for this type.
Subperiosteal. This is done on the bone. A metal framework that protrudes right through the gum is placed on the topmost part of the jaw. This type of dental implant is best for the patients with a nominal bone height and typical dentures.
More than ever, dental implants are reliable that they could last for a long time; they are esthetic, tooth-saving, and convenient. This is so far the best way to replace your missing teeth. offers more information about dental implants as well as the 6 month braces Surrey. To learn more about oral health and accelerated orthodontics, visit our website today!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Advantages of Cosmetic Dental Implants

What are the advantages of Cosmetic Dental Implants?


If you're thinking of replacing one or more missing teeth with dental prosthetics, you may be wondering why you would choose a cosmetic dental implant over a bridge or traditional denture. There are several reasons why many dental professionals recommend dental implants.


Because dentures and bridges do not replace your teeth root, the bone surrounding your disused roots will deteriorate. Gum and bone recede around the denture, creating noticeable collapsed sections in your smile.  Removable dentures move around in your mouth, making chewing and talking difficult and embarrassing.


In order to install a dental bridge, your dental surgeon must grind down the surrounding teeth. Often, the cement holding a bridge in place washes away, and bacteria decay the teeth holding the bridge.


Read More about Dental Implants


Contact San Diego Dentist

Chula Vista Dentist




Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Patient Review Mini Implants for Dentures

 Mini implants for dentures patient review
I’ve had dentures since I was about 25, after a difficult pregnancy; so for the past 35 years, I’ve suffered with loose lower dentures which caused embarrassment when they would pop out when I threw my head back and laughed, or kissed, constantly had food caught under them.

I was in pain from sores caused by the loose dentures and my habit of gritting my teeth only made the ulcers happen more frequently. This caused me to remove the dentures and quite often I would forget to put them back in when I went out causing even more embarrassment.

Read full Review here...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Braces, Chula Vista

Six Month Braces Chula Vista, San Diego
Tradition Braces Bonita Del Rey
Ceramic Braces Chula Vista

Most people do not have naturally straight teeth and it is estimated that up to 75 percent of people could benefit from orthodontic care. Genetic and environmental factors are two major causes of crooked teeth and bite problems. Other habits such as tongue thrusting and thumb sucking, can also cause crooked teeth.

Two decades ago, braces were found to be unattractive, clunky heavy metal bands and very obvious. However, in the last few years, a newer generation of braces are available more cosmetically aesthetic and efficient. These new devices are comfortable to wear and are extremely efficient at repositioning teeth.

These newer orthodontic appliances are used at a much earlier age to straighten the teeth and provide a better out.come. The newer braces are also offering a hope to adult patients who want to have straight teeth. Recent statistics reveal that close to 5 million North Americans wear braces or other appliances to achieve a beautiful smile and healthy teeth.

Braces are more than the means to a stunning smile; they significantly improve dental health and function. Braces can correct severe bite problems that would affect eating and increase the risk of gum disease, tooth and bone loss.

Visit website Chula Vista Dentist
or Read More about Braces San Diego

Braces for Straight Teeth, San Diego

Most people do not have naturally straight teeth and it is estimated that up to 75 percent of people could benefit from orthodontic care. Genetic and environmental factors are two major causes of crooked teeth and bite problems. Other habits such as tongue thrusting and thumb sucking, can also cause crooked teeth.

Two decades ago, braces were found to be unattractive, clunky heavy metal bands and very obvious. However, in the last few years, a newer generation of braces are available more cosmetically aesthetic and efficient. These new devices are comfortable to wear and are extremely efficient at repositioning teeth.

These newer orthodontic appliances are used at a much earlier age to straighten the teeth and provide a better out.come. The newer braces are also offering a hope to adult patients who want to have straight teeth. Recent statistics reveal that close to 5 million North Americans wear braces or other appliances to achieve a beautiful smile and healthy teeth.

Braces are more than the means to a stunning smile; they significantly improve dental health and function. Braces can correct severe bite problems that would affect eating and increase the risk of gum disease, tooth and bone loss.

Visit website San Diego Dentist
or Read More about Braces San Diego

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Get Quote in San Diego, get work done in Tijuana

The staff at the Tijuana Dental office understand that getting dental work done in another country could make you a little wary.

Since the owner of the Tijuana Dental Office also has an Dental office in Chula Vista, San Diego, they encourage you to go to the San Diego Office, get a checkup and x-rays and quote, then get the Dental work done in the Tijuana Dental office, and save at least 50% of the cost to have the exact same work done in San Diego.

Aldo M. Espinosa D.D.S
Bonita Del Rey Dental Care

San Diego: (619) 482-3264

Chila Vista Dental Care

Chila Vista Dental Care, small modern offices, one dentist, come to a place where your comfort is paramount to all staff.

Dental care that doesn't hurt.

US Quality Dentistry at Mexico Prices

We have established this dental practice with one thing in mind: to provide the highest quality in dentistry and customer service at affordable prices.

With the slow economy in the US and the high cost of health services we hope we can provide you with a great alternative; excellent dentistry at affordable prices.

Visit our Tijuana Dental website, and see our great prices, and modern offices.

Gentle Dentist In San Diego It doesn't hurt!!

Dr. Aldo Espinosa is the sole dentist at the Bonita Del Ray Dental Care Office. He is kind, gentle, explains everything to you, and is happy to answer your questions about the treatments you need. He also has a very cool video which he plays, showing you the kind of treatment you are or will be recieving, so you know what to expect, and how the work is achieved.

So there's no waiting in a waiting room packed with people, in fact you will probably be the only person waiting.

The office is clean and inviting, the receptionist very friendly, and is happy to chat to you, especially on your first visit when you might be nervous. Nervousness is quite normal on a dentist visit, especially if you haven't been to a dentist for a few years. But you will quickly find that Dr. Aldo is kind and gentle, and when he does dental work, he ensures you don't feel any pain what-so-ever, even if that means waiting for the anesthetic to take effect.

Your comfort is number 1 in everyone's mind at the Bonita Del Ray Dental Care Office, right from when you walk in the door your comfort comes first.

How many dentists can you say that about, many dentists are just interested in your money, Dr Aldo Espinosa cares about you and your teeth.

Visit website San Diego Dentist

San Diego Dental Website

This blog is to introduce you to the new San Diego Dental Website, although the website is new, the business it represents the Bonita Del Ray Dental has been around for a few years.

This blog will show the beginning of articles we have on the website, so you can choose to read just the start, and then go to our website to read the rest of the article if you are interested, or read the next post on this blog.

Where possible this blog will show you photos, those cool before and after photos, to make the blog interesting, and because pictures speak louder than words. And explain how the results were achieved.

Of course your smile is so important to you, but did you know your smile is important to us, we'll ensure you will love the results and you will know you have a wonderful smile from us, because the photos are from patients we have had.

This blog on the most part will be written by one of his clients, that needs extensive dental work done, so apart from articles and before and after photos, there will also be posts about the care she receives during her treatment.

Bonita Del Ray Dental Care

Visit website San Diego Dentist

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ceramic Braces Chula Vista San Diego

Similar to our traditional metal braces but made out of beautiful ceramic material that makes them virtually invisible! Ceramic braces are the choice of most adult patients

Read More ...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Touch Up Cosmetic Dentistry, San Diego

Many dark and super-white spots can be reduced in one office visit by using an acidic-micro-abrasion scrub. These unsightly spots can safely be removed usually in a single office visit with an “acidic-micro-abrasion technique”. Absolutely no anaesthetic is required.

“Touch Up” Cosmetic Dentistry procedures are techniques which give you the biggest “bang for your buck”. These procedures are proven to be simple, safe, quick, and non-invasive. They are inexpensive, and the results are immediate, dramatic and long lasting.

For more information about Tooth Whitening, visit our Chula Vista Dentist Office Website


A Beautiful Smile

Who does not want to look good? And a beautiful smile definitely helps to add to your charms. But in spite of our best efforts to maintain regular oral care and hygiene we can end up suffering from dental problems like toothaches, bleeding gums, misaligned teeth, chipped tooth, discoloration and so on. At times these problems arise due to our negligence through substance abuse such as nicotine and caffeine, consuming extreme temperature edibles like an ice-cream or hot soup and lack of a regular oral care routine. However at times dental problems arise due to a result of accidents or disease or some in-born deficiency. Competent dentists help us treat and cure many of these problems effectively and the modern day advancements have made this task even easier.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Teeth Problems Dental Implants May Help

Missing teeth are often a fact of later life. However, getting older does not have to mean placing all your teeth in a cup before you go to bed. Dental implants are a natural-looking, permanent alternative to a full set of dentures.
Are implants right for you?
A qualified cosmetic dentist can examine and evaluate your teeth to determine whether implants are right for you. If you meet the following criteria, implants might be your solution:
- You are missing one or more teeth

- Your speaking or chewing abilities are impaired by missing teeth

- You have had a recent injury involving trauma to the mouth

- You cannot return for dentist appointments for several months

- Your jawbone is fully developed

- With grafting or in its current state, your jawbone can support the implants

- Your oral tissues are relatively healthy
What are implants?
Dental implants are actually three separate components:
1. Threaded metal cylinders that replace the roots of lost teeth

2. An extension attached to the top of the cylinder

3. A tooth-like crown, or implant prosthesis, attached to the top of the extension. Your dentist may offer the option of a removable crown or a fixed crown.
Preparing for the surgery
Your cosmetic dentist will do everything possible to tailor the procedure to your needs. It is important to mention any medical conditions you may have that might affect the process, including:
- Medications

- Supplements

- Heart problems
Your dentist will conduct a thorough dental exam to determine the fitness of your jawbone and gum tissue. Often, your dentist will take X-rays or construct a model of your mouth before proceeding.
After the examination and discussion, your dentist will design a treatment plan to restore and complete your smile.
Bone grafting
Not everyone requires bone grafting surgery. However, the jawbone endures a great deal of wear as a result of the chewing process. A narrow or unstable jawbone is unlikely to support dental implants, and bone grafting can get around this problem. Substantial grafting requires separate surgery, which takes place before the implant surgery. Sometimes the graft is very small and can be inserted during the implant surgery.
What happens during the surgery?
The process is tailored to your specific needs, so it varies for different patients. Dental implant surgery usually happens in several stages. Each stage requires a period of healing before the next surgery:
Stage 1: Your dentist inserts the cylinder or implant into your jawbone. A stage of osseo-integration follows, in which the bone grows around the implant. This healing process takes three to six months.

Stage 2: Your dentist adds the extension. A shorter healing process follows.

Stage 3: Your dentist attaches the crown.
Sometimes the extension piece is attached during the first surgery. Discuss with your dentist to decide if this option is right for you.
How long will the process take?
The entire process takes three to nine months. Keep in mind, however, that part of this time is spent healing.
Will it hurt?
Dentists can administer different levels of anesthesia, ranging from local to general. Discuss with your dentist to decide which option will make you most comfortable. You may experience some swelling, discomfort, or bleeding after the initial implant surgery. Your doctor can prescribe painkillers to help with any residual pain.
What are the disadvantages?
Like every surgery, dental implant surgery has its risks. You must be prepared to invest time and money in the procedure and follow your dentist's instructions regarding eating habits, medication, and oral hygiene.
Sometimes the implants do not settle securely into the bone tissue, and the surgery must be repeated. However, problems are uncommon, and dental implant surgery is considered one of the safest surgical procedures according to the Consumer's Guide to Dentistry.
What are the results?
Implant surgery restores your smile and aids in everyday functioning that is often taken for granted-chewing and talking. Dental implants can improve your smile and just may be the solution you've been looking for.
For more information about how dental implants can replace teeth and eliminate the need for dentures, please contact Los Angeles cosmetic dentist Dr. Kevin Sands today to schedule your initial consultation.

Bad Breath Causes and Cures

Bad breath is something all of us deal with from time to time, but if you suffer from chronic bad breath, you know that it stems from something more than just a pungent meal or random failure to brush. If you are losing the battle with bad breath after changing your eating habits, brushing obsessively, and living on what feels a diet of almost nothing but mints and mouthwash, it's time to look deeper.
Chronic bad breath is embarrassing and can radically impact your social interactions at work and during leisure activities and, worst of all, can put distance between you and your spouse and other loved ones. If you live with chronic breath problems you may feel self conscious and isolated, but you should know that it's actually quite common, and it can be solved.
This can be caused by underlying medical issues, and should not be ignored. Persistent low-grade sinus infections, diabetes, liver disease, gallbladder dysfunction, and allergies are just a few possible medical causes.
More often the source is anaerobic bacteria, hiding somewhere in your mouth. Anaerobic bacteria thrive and grow in an oxygen-free environment. They are often harbored in the grooves of your tongue and the pockets of your gums. Normal daily dental hygiene can't get to them.
Tooth decay and infection can also be the source of this and cause a bad taste in your mouth. Gum disease (periodontal disease) is another common source.
Mouthwash, breath mints, and chewing gum can make it worse
Most mouthwash contains alcohol. Alcohol actually dries your mouth out, creating a more hospitable environment for anaerobic bacteria and making it worse. Mints and gum don't really improve your breath. They only cover or mix with the bad odor, and promote tooth decay. In the long run they contribute to, rather than reducing bad breath.
Eliminating bad breath
Fortunately, it can be eliminated. The first step is talking to your dentist, because most chronic breath problems are dental in origin. Your dentist will identify the source, whether it is your tongue, gums, or teeth. He or she can also tell you if your problem lies outside of dental issues, requiring other medical attention.
Dental treatment for chronic breath problems will typically involve tongue scraping (debridement), gum treatment, and the removal of tooth decay. Your dentist may also prescribe a mouthwash or mouth rinse that is alcohol free and targeted to destroy bad breath.
To learn more about the causes and treatments of bad breath in the Raleigh and Durham areas of North Carolina, please visit the website of a North Carolina cosmetic dentist.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Get the Beautiful Smile You Have Always Wanted With Veneers

Originally designed for short term use by actors with bad teeth, veneers can drastically change the appearance of your smile. If your teeth are damaged, chipped, uneven or have unsightly gaps, veneers will instantly improve these problems, giving you something to smile about.


The first veneer was invented by a Californian dentist. While they looked good on his patients, they didn't last very long and proved only an aesthetic tool. After a short period of time the dental glue he used wore off and the veneers fell out. The Hollywood community picked up on the idea and used veneers for many movie stars whose smiles just didn't make the cut. Over the years better bonding techniques were developed and veneers evolved into the product we are familiar with today. While not cheap, veneers can certainly change a person's entire look. Some people have found a new confidence after having veneers and claim an attractive smile can change your life.


A veneer has two purposes, the first is to improve the overall look of a tooth, to give it a better shape and have it fit in with the rest of the teeth. The second reason is to strengthen the tooth and protect it from further damage.


Also, there are two types of veneers available. The more popular option are porcelain veneers. Composite veneers tend to be better wearing and less likely to fracture, whereas porcelain veneers provide an all over more realistic look. Composite veneers will either be placed directly on top of the existing tooth, or the dentist will grind down the tooth and bond the veneer in directly. Your dentist will choose the most appropriate option for your teeth.


Veneers are bonded using hydrofluoric acid. This is permanent and you will not need any maintenance to your veneers once the dentist has finished placing them, they can last up to thirty years before they need to be replaced.


The procedure for having veneers placed is relatively pain free. You will likely not need any aesthetic. The procedure takes place in the dentist's chair and usually takes around an hours time to be complete. Afterward, feel free to return to work or any other activities you would normally go about.


Recently veneers have become popular in the makeover style shows seen on television, due to the dramatic effect such a small and non invasive technique has on someone's whole look. Whether just replacing one fractured tooth, or several misaligned teeth, veneers can certainly give someone a beautiful new smile with minimum pain and fuss.


There are non permanent veneers available, a dentist or orthodontist can fit you with these. They really only have cosmetic value as temporary veneers chip and fall away easily and are difficult to chew with. If you have a special occasion coming up you may wish to try them as an alternative to permanent veneers.


You can find out more about teeth veneers by visiting  or find out how David can promote your business online by going to David's blog at


David has been marketing successfully online since 2003.


Article Source:


Lynn & Kym Brown

SEO & Website Accessibility Consultant & Services


San Diego

Home: 619 269-5372


Neuromuscular Dentistry Can Fix Jaw Problems

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) occurs as a result of problems with the jaw, jaw joint and surrounding facial muscles that control jaw movement and chewing. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge joint that connects the lower jaw to the temporal bone of the skull, located in front of the ear on each side of your head. These joints are flexible and allow the jaw to move smoothly up and down and side to side enabling you to talk, chew and yawn. However, when there are problems with these joints or if there is injury to the jaw, the joint itself or the muscles of the head and neck, TMD is the result.


Neuromuscular dentistry is the dental specialization that focuses on placing the jaw in its optimal position. Neuromuscular dentistry works with the hard and soft tissues, muscles and nerves of the jaw and surrounding area. Neuromuscular dentists can realign your bite and resolve your TMD symptoms.


TMD Symptoms


One of the most painful and debilitating symptoms of TMD is migraine headache. Many doctors and dentists do not have the training necessary to diagnose and treat TMJ disorders. Neuromuscular dentistry is the branch of dentistry that helps people correct the jaw problems that have caused them pain for years, possibly even decades.


TMD causes migraines because the trigeminal nerve is one of the most powerful and complex nerves in the human body. This nerve is completely responsible for the temporomandibular joint and tooth functions and accounts for over 40% of the brain’s processing. The trigeminal nerve has three branches, all affecting various parts of the face, head, shoulders and arms. The pain and muscle tightness associated with TMD can even affect your hands and fingers.


Pain related to TMD may be sharp and searing or dull and constant. Pain is typically over the joint immediately in front of the ear but can radiate elsewhere and cause spasms in the muscles attached to the bones of the skull, face and jaws. Some of the most notable symptoms of TMD are:


· Headaches


· Stiff jaw muscles


· Ear problems, including ringing (tinnitus) and pressure


· Neck, shoulder, and back pain


· Locking, clicking, and popping of the jaw


· Limited jaw movement


· Tingling or numbness in the fingers


· Difficulty swallowing


· Facial pain


Often times, patients see doctors for severe headache and are given medications to treat the pain of the headache; however, there is often no treatment provided for what is actually causing the headaches. Neuromuscular dentistry is the specialized area of dentistry that treats the cause, not just the symptoms, of the painful headaches (and other symptoms) associated with a misaligned jaw.


If you would like to learn more about how neuromuscular dentists diagnose and treat TMD, please visit the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies website to find a highly trained TMD dentist in your area.


Article Source:


Lynn & Kym Brown

SEO & Website Accessibility Consultant & Services


San Diego

Home: 619 269-5372


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hate the Dentist, Dental Veneers are Perfect for you

Dental veneers are another fantastic tool used in cosmetic dentistry to help create that perfect smile. Unlike crowns which cover the whole tooth, dental veneers are wafer-thin shells of porcelain which are just bonded to the front of your teeth.
Porcelain itself it a fairly brittle material but the bonding process adds additional strength to a veneer leaving you with a beautiful, durable and completely natural looking tooth. Dental veneers take on the appearance of enamel and provide the means for a truly remarkable cosmetic restoration.
Although porcelain has amazing crushing strength it doesn’t react well to twisting so once you have had a tooth or your teeth veneered you need to avoid foods that will require any kind of gnawing or twisting action.
Dental veneers have a variety of uses with veneers being used as an alternative to tooth whitening, braces, crowns and other cosmetic dentistry techniques. Porcelain veneers can be used to disguise discoloured or chipped teeth, close gabs, straighten teeth, assist with realignment and reshape your smile.
Veneers have a distinct advantage over dental crowns in that there is no requirement for the tooth to be ground down prior to the veneer being bonded to the tooth. In addition, veneers tend to be more aesthetically pleasing providing you with an even more natural appearance.
Given the nature of a veneer, in that it is bonded to the front of your tooth, veneers are only of any use for cosmetic restoration of front teeth.
Getting a veneer is so easy and a great alternative for those hate the dentist chair. An initial visit will involve your cosmetic dentist taking an impression of your teeth and you may require some minor contouring work. The second visit will be purely for the veneer to be bonded into place providing you with an instant and fantastic looking result.
More information about Porcelain Veneers in Chula Vista
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You'd be surprised at how many people are wearing Dental Veneers, San Diego

Many people in the media and other visible positions have had dental veneers applied to their teeth. Anyone who wants confidence when they smile is a good candidate for dental
veneers. They are simply the fastest way to an amazing smile out there.

If you are interested in a beautiful smile, dental veneers can be the perfect answer. And, thanks to the many discount dental plans available today, dental veneers can be a very
affordable option for everyone.

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What are Dental Veneers Chula Vista

Dental veneers are custom-made to fit your teeth and looks by your cosmetic dentist. Your dentist creates the veneers and then bonds them directly to your teeth with a very
strong adhesive product. To bond your veneers on, your dentist will first remove a bit of the outer layer of your teeth. This will allow for the bond to be quiet strong. Once the
veneers have been bonded onto your teeth they remain there permanently for the rest of your life. Thanks to great bonding technology you will likely never have a problem with
a veneer coming off of your teeth.

Dental veneers can usually be completed in two sittings at your dentist. The first sitting is to create the veneers and the second is to bond them onto your teeth. It is amazing the
transformation you can see in two simple trips to your local dentist.

More information about Porcelain Veneers in Chula Vista
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Do you Need Dental Veneers, San Diego

Are your teeth discolored or do they have other imperfections that make you uncomfortable smiling? Are you too embarrassed about the look of your teeth to smile?
Do you wish you were born with straight, white teeth? If so, dental veneers can be the answer you have been searching for!

Dental veneers are a custom-made thin covering which is permanently applied to your teeth. Dental veneers are used to improve the look of your teeth and to hide many of the imperfections commonly found in teeth today. They can also help to hide slight misalignments in teeth.
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More information about Porcelain Veneers in Sab Diego
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Advantages of Dental Implants Chula Vista

The following are just a few advantages of implants with regard to convenience.

·         They can eliminate the inconvenience of messy denture adhesives that must be re-applied throughout the day.

·         They can eliminate gum irritation and the pain of exposed nerves associated with conventional full or partial dentures.

·         They can allow you to speak with confidence in a relaxed and natural tone.

·         They can eliminate the need to cover your mouth when you laugh or smile, worried that your denture will pop out or fall down.

·         And, they can restore chewing efficiency comparable to that of natural teeth, as well as, the natural ability to taste and enjoy your food. This factor alone helps promotes better nutrition.

More information about dental implants and tooth replacement

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