Saturday, September 12, 2009

Are You Addicted to Exercise?

It's generally accepted that regular moderate exercise is good for your health, but what if you exercise too much? Do you HAVE to exercise every day? What happens when you don't exercise for a few days? Do you feel more tired and irritable if you skip a few workouts? Does intense vigorous exercise make you feel good? Does skipping a workout make you feel stressed?
Despite all the known benefits of exercise, if you overdo it, this can be a sign that you may be compensating for something else that may be going on. For example, one of the most common conditions that I see in my practice is when people are unable to get a good night's sleep, they compensate in various ways, such as regular exercise, increased caffeine consumption, relaxation or breathing techniques. You'll automatically take part in activities or habits that make you feel more energetic or relaxed. Eating is another form of relaxation, since it stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system (the relaxation half of your involuntary nervous system).
I know a lot of endurance distance runners in my running club, and almost invariably, no one can or likes to sleep on their backs. They can only sleep on their sides or more commonly their stomachs. What does their sleep position have to do with why their addicted to exercise? It all comes down to my sleep-breathing paradigm.
To summarize, my sleep-breathing paradigm proposes that all modern humans have difficulty breathing at night to various degrees due to our unique upper airway anatomy. The voice box is located underneath the tongue, as opposed to animals, where the voice box is located behind the tongue. This location of the voice box under the tongue is necessary for complex speech and language. But this is also what unprotected our airway, leading to all the various breathing and swallowing problems that modern humans have. Comparative anatomists and evolutionary biologists have said that speech and language development was ultimately detrimental to humans.
What's worse, it's thought that due to a radical change in our diets (highly processed foods and refined sugars) over the past century, our jaws are getting more narrow with increased dental crowding. Furthermore, dentists have stated that introduction of bottle-feeding to infants can aggravate dental crowding and malocclusion, which makes everything much worse. All these factors aren't the only reason for everyone's sleep problems, but everyone, by definition, is along a continuum. Your ability to breathe properly while sleeping is ultimately determined by your genes (the anatomy that you're given by your parents), your diet, and how you were fed as an infant.
So why is breathing a problem only when we're sleeping? There are two components to this issue: When lying flat on your back, your tongue falls back partially, due to gravity. This narrows the breathing passageway behind your tongue to various degrees. As you fall asleep, the deeper level of sleep you enter, the more your muscles relax, and at at a certain point, your tongue can fall back and obstruct your breathing. The more narrow your airway (due to smaller jaws or inflammation due to a cold or allergies), the more likely you'll stop breathing and wake up to turn over. When you were young, you tossed and turned and eventually figured out that you can sleep much better when sleeping on your side or stomach. The problem is that even on your side or stomach, it's never perfect, and you're not able to get deep, efficient sleep, no matter how long you sleep.
It's also not too surprising that many personal trainers and fitness professionals have very similar features: Almost invariably they prefer to sleep only on their sides or stomachs. The same can be said about bodybuilders-a personal trainer/natural body builder friend of mine told me that almost every one in her gym snores. Working out intensely for 2-3 hours is invigorating and energizing, but maybe for some people, this is a way to overcome the expected fatigue and lethargy that would result from inefficient sleep.
We know that professional football players have a much higher incidence of obstructive sleep apnea. About 1/3 of all linemen were found to have mild or moderate sleep apnea. It's not only the fat in the neck-it's also the muscle mass that impinges on the soft tissues of the upper airway. So in theory, the more muscle bulk you have in your neck, the more breathing problems while sleeping, which can promote more intense workouts. It's hard to say which came first, but once it's started, it ends up being a self-perpetuating vicious cycle.
The worst case scenario is when you fit the profile above, and you suddenly get injured. Let's say you either can't run anymore. You become more lethargic, and you may end up eating more due to increased levels of stress from increased sleep deprivation. As you gain weight, your upper airway narrows even further, leading to worse deep sleep quality. Another scenario is if you injure your neck or shoulder. This will prevent you from being able to sleep on your side or stomach, which again, aggravates the vicious cycle.
What I just described may seem a little far fetched, but even if a small fraction of the people I mentioned has this anatomic condition, then it can potentially explain various health issues and problems down the road. One way to see where you're headed to to look at your parents. More often than not, one or both your parents may snore heavily, and in many cases will have one or more of the complications of untreated obstructive sleep apnea: depression, anxiety, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, heart attack or stroke.
Many people will be just fine with their regular exercise regimen, but some others will have various health issues such as chronic nasal or sinus congestion, headaches, throat clearing, hoarseness or post-nasal drip. A thorough history and physical exam is the first step towards feeling better. Educating yourself about your condition is another step-I describe my sleep-breathing paradigm in much more detail in my book Sleep, Interrupted. I also take you through the steps you need to take to finally be able to breathe better, sleep better and feel better.
Steven Y. Park, M.D.
Author of Sleep, Interrupted: A physician reveals the #1 reason why so many of us are sick and tired. Find out why you're always sick and tired here:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The 5 W's of Dental Sleep Medicine Sleep Apnea

What is Dental Sleep Medicine? Dental Sleep Medicine refers to the branch of dentistry devoted to the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea with an oral appliance similar to a retainer. When a patient is diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, they are usually prescribed a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine which functions like a reverse vacuum cleaner to keep the airway open.

It consists of a mask fitted over the mouth and nose which is attached to a compressor-like machine via a hose through which room air is forced. Compliance is shown to be very low due to common complaints of the machine being too noisy, the mask irritating the face, claustrophobia due to wearing the mask, inconvenience of being tethered to a machine and inability to sleep in all positions. In many cases, oral appliances are an effective alternative to CPAP therapy for sleep apnea.

Why do airway testing? A specially trained dentist utilizes airway testing with a Pharyngometer and Rhinometer to verify airway size and collapsibility as well as to predict success with an oral appliance. This technology utilizes sound waves in acoustic reflection much like a fish-finding device. The Pharyngometer measures the cross-sectional airway in the throat to determine where there is an obstruction and whether movement of the lower jaw with an oral appliance will be effective in clearing that obstruction. The Rhinometer measures the nasal airway and determines whether there is blockage in the nose. This is critical because oral appliances are unable to open the nasal airway and should not be used if the obstruction exists in the nasal passages only. Airway testing with the Pharyngometer/Rhinometer is crucial for predicting before treatment even begins whether the oral appliance will work or not.

When can we treat with Oral Appliances? Obstructive Sleep Apnea occurs when the tongue falls back into the throat and blocks the airway. Partial obstruction typically causes snoring and complete obstruction causes a cessation of breathing in addition to snoring. Oral appliances are designed to bring the lower jaw forward and thereby bring the tongue forward to open the airway. Oral Appliances were approved by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine as a first line of therapy for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea. Patients with severe sleep apnea who cannot or will not wear a CPAP machine can also benefit from oral appliances but they are not as effective as CPAP therapy. It is still better than no treatment at all.

Where is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Diagnosed? Only a physician can make a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea and classify its severity. For many years, diagnosis had to be made from an overnight sleep study, Polysomnography or PSG for short. This study is conducted in a hospital or sleep laboratory.

Just recently, unattended home sleep studies such as the Watch-Pat 100 are available to physicians and dentists and approved by the FDA for diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea. Diagnosis still must be made by a physician but the advantages of being able to conduct the study in the patient's own bedroom can often provide a familiarity which lends itself to increased patient comfort and decreased anxiety.

Dentists treating sleep apnea can also use the Watch-PAT 100 to verify the effectiveness of an oral appliance. No patient should be given an oral appliance without the follow-up of an unattended sleep study or repeat PSG.

Who is practicing Dental Sleep Medicine? This field requires a commitment to education and a commitment to technology. Most dental school curriculua do not offer any training in this arena. Numerous books have been written on this subject and many continuing education courses are offered in this area.

Utilization of airway equipment and follow-up testing are imperative for the dentist to treat this properly. Guessing at severity of sleep disorder, jaw-position or effectiveness of oral appliances can be at the very least frustrating and potentially life-threatening.
Dr. Dawne Slabach is a General Dentist, Fellow of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain, with a focus on the treatment of Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea as well as TMJ Disorders (TMD). For more information, please visit

Sleep Apnea Dentist San Diego

Many of the underlying causes of sleep apnea can presently be tackled with by a sleep apnea dentist; there is even a medical branch known as dental sleep dentistry that has known an increase in the number of specialists over the last decade.

Medical practice has shown that sleep apnea may be caused by certain dental and mandibular problems that can be corrected by the surgical or non-surgical intervention of a dentist. Thus, there are all sorts of dental appliances used for the maintenance of a proper opening of the airways and only a sleep apnea dentist can recommend and design one for you.

In case the apnea patient suffers from a jaw deformity or mandibular deficiency that prevents the correct opening of the airways in a deep relaxation state, a sleep apnea dentist will have to create a special appliance to be worn at night.

Such a device would either pull the tongue forward or adjust the position of the jaw so that the air flow may pass unhindered towards the lungs. It should be said nevertheless, that the apnea dentist solutions usually work for the mild and moderate sleep breathing cessation problems, as the more severe cases require other forms of medical intervention.

After close medical investigations a sleep apnea dentist will tell you what type of oral device best matches your condition. The two most popular such devices include the splint and the mandibular advancement device.

The former holds the tongue in a position that allows the air to pass unhindered; this is mainly used for people who suffer from apnea caused by too large a tongue as compared to the diameter of the airways. The latter is a device that forces the jaw in a lower position, thus creating enough room for the air flow; the only problem with the mandibular device consists in the eventual jaw pain after its usage.

Regular visits to the sleep apnea dentist may be necessary particularly if you experience discomfort after the trial period is over. If you don't get used to an oral apnea device within a fortnight, contact the sleep apnea dentist and see how you can improve the situation. Do not purchase any type of apnea appliance since such items require a certain size and molding design that is unique for each individual. A general model will surely be very uncomfortable, even if you'd think it a real bargain.
Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including: stuttering, stuttering therapy, sleep apnea

Sleep Apnea Auto Accidents and Breathing

So you ask, "What do automobile accidents and breathing have to do with each other?" Well you might be surprised to know that the number one cause of automobile
accidents on North American roads each year is tired driving. Unfortunately, obstructive sleep apnea is a huge contributing factor. It deprives people of the rejuvenating sleep that their bodies require. Disruptive sleep fill with arousals, increasing heart rate and high blood pressure does not allow the solid sleep your body requires. Did you know that people suffering from this sleep disorder are seven to twelve times more likely to be involved in an auto accident because of their excessive sleepiness? Limited sleep slows your response time. In fact, sleeping only four hours a night results in reaction times that are equivalent to someone who has a blood alcohol level of .08%.

Sleep apnea is one of the most under-diagnosed life threatening medical disorders in our society today. Despite the lack of attention, tired driving and obstructive sleep apnea are statistically more dangerous than drunk driving. Once you know the statistics, driving down the highway can be a scary proposition.

This sleep disorder is also directly implicated as contributing to heart disease, cerebrovascular insult, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) and obesity. The list truly goes on and on. If you suffer from bruxism, or awake multiple time through the night, or have morning headaches or if your bed partner has witnessed you snoring and then gasping for air, the likelihood that you are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea is very, very high. It is not necessary for you to have any or all of the aforementioned to have sleep apnea. Realize that not everyone that has apnea is tired. Some people have symptoms with very mild apnea while others don't have symptoms with sever apnea. Bottom line, don't let how you feel make the determination. This is one area that "guilty until proven innocent'" is probably sound advice.

One very good screening tool that has been shown to be predictive of sleep disordered breathing is called the Adjusted Neck Circumference screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Here is the formula: ANC = NC + H (4) + S (3) + C/G (3). ANC is Adjusted Neck Circumference, H is Hypertention, S is Snoring, C/G is Choking/Gasping. The way it is used is that the neck circumference (measured in centimeters) is adjusted if you have hypertention (4 cm added), or a habitual snorer (3 cm added) or chocking or gasping most nights (3 cm added). A low clinical probability corresponds to an adjusted neck circumference of less than 43 cm, an intermediate probability (4 to 8 times as probable) to a neck circumference of 43 to 48 cm, and a high probability (20 times as probable) for a neck circumference of more than 48 cm.

The gold standard for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea is CPAP therapy; however oral appliances can be equally affective, particularly in mild and moderate sleep apnea. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, take it seriously and talk with your physician or a dentist that is trained in the treatment of sleep apnea. It could be a conversation that saves your life.
Dr. Joe Gatti is a Lawrence KS dentist who specializes in cosmetic dentistry and treatment of sleep apnea

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Finding a Good Dentist in San Diego

During the early days, there were only some limited solutions to any kind of a tooth related problem, but today, the advent of high-end technology and science has definitely made things much easier and simpler. In fact, thanks to this technological revolution, today any sort of a health problem has an answer and if you are suffering from aggravated or simple tooth problem, you can take the help of a dentist in Chula Vista and he will guide you to solve the problem.

Whatever dental problem one might suffer from, the best thing to do is to consult a dentist as he will be able to prescribe the right technique to tone down the problem and will also suggest good medicines that will help to reduce the risk of the dental problem that one is suffering from. There are various kinds’ of teeth or dental problems that one can suffer from and in fact, in today’s fast lifestyle, facing a dental problem is not a very big thing. Consumption of high amount of caffeine, heavy smoking, fast food all lead to some or the other dental problem. In fact, once any kind of a dental problem is detected, it is best to get things sorted in the very first stage rather than waiting for it to get aggravated and then create further problems.

Therefore, if you realize that your tooth is giving you some trouble, you should immediately consult a dentist. Now to do this you will definitely need to do some research on the dentist you want to consult, so that you remain assured that you are going to a great dentist in Chula Vista, who can fix your dental problem. Once your dental problems are fixed, you can easily sport that gorgeous smile of yours’ without any hesitation and pass that smile to make others feel great.

For more information about Dentistry, visit our Chula Vista Dentist Office Website


Visit a Good Dentist, Chula Vista

When somebody had quoted that health is wealth, he was so apt in saying that. One’s health is definitely the greatest and the most valuable asset and one has to make sure to take proper care of this invaluable asset. With the passing of time and the rise in competition, people’s health has been affected and therefore, today one has to make sure that he remains prim and proper and fit and fine to remain active in this highly competitive world. Health includes everything from head to toe. Therefore, one has to make sure that all their body parts are functioning aptly and that if they have any kind of a physical disorder, they should immediately consult a good doctor. Now, when we talk about all the body parts, there is one such part that is multitasking. This is the set of teeth that we all have. It is because of these teeth that we can chew our food and at the same time, these sets of teeth make us look beautiful by helping us to pass that dazzling smile. In fact, who does not want to pass a gracious smile? However, any kind of a tooth problem can lead to many health hazards and therefore, one has to make sure to visit a good dentist, who can solve any sort of a dental problem.


For more information about Dentistry, visit our Chula Vista Dentist Office Website


Thursday, September 3, 2009

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Monday, August 31, 2009

To ensure your child's smile lasts a lifetime, it's important to instill good dental hygiene habits in them from a very young age. But it's not always easy to get children to adopt a new habit; especially a habit they may consider a chore. The following article offers three suggestions for teaching children proper dental hygiene habits.


Regular Visits To A Pediatric Dentist


A pediatric dentist can be an invaluable asset when it comes to teaching your child proper dental hygiene habits. A pediatric dentist is required to take an additional two years of training after receiving their Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree. During this time, they learn about the special oral and dental needs of children from infancy through adolescence.


Because a pediatric dentist understands how a child's dental needs differ from that of an adult's, they are better equipped to teach children healthy habits that will last a lifetime. They can explain the importance of good dental hygiene to children in a non-confrontational manner that they can understand, and show them how brushing and flossing can be made fun.


Regular trips to a pediatric dentist will also help your child feel more at ease about going to the dentist, and will encourage continued good habits so they receive positive check-ups. Most dentists recommend children start regular appointments around their first birthday, and begin brushing around age 2 or 3.


Make It Fun


When you've got to do it twice a day... every day... brushing can sometimes seem like a chore. And flossing certainly isn't a walk in the park either; especially for young children. To establish good habits and make these tasks seem less onerous, make it fun!


Manufacturers have quickly caught on to the fact that children don't like to brush their teeth. A quick trip down the oral health isle at the store presents an array of options to make brushing more fun. Colored, glittery toothpaste, character toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes, and rinses that leave colors behind where teeth weren't thoroughly clean can all make brushing seem like more of a game than a chore.


Other ways to liven up your child's toothbrush time are to put on their favorite song and brush to the music, use brushing as a competition between siblings (who has the cleaner teeth?), and reward your child for good habits (like brushing without being reminded and good check-ups at the dentist).


Set An Example


Monkey see, monkey do! A child who sees their parents exhibiting proper dental hygiene habits is more likely to follow suit. Even on those days when it truly does feel like a chore, remind yourself that your kids are watching you.


To really recognize the benefits here, rearrange your routine so that you can brush your teeth while your child brushes theirs. Brushing and flossing together has a three-fold advantage: you can teach your child healthy habits, make it fun for each other, and set a good example.


Dr. Clayton Zeidler writes for the San Jose pediatric dentist specialists at Zeidler Dental Group. As a leading San Jose dentist, they are committed to comprehensive care for the whole family.


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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dental Implants Mexico

Dental Implants

Let's understand this first. Usually, missing teeth are replaced by bridges, partial dentures or complete dentures. Bridges utilize the support from the adjacent teeth, thus compromising them in the long run. The removal dentures given for loss of teeth are not tight enough and may compromise the chewing efficiency and also the health of the individual. At times loose dentures might be a cause for social embarrassment too. Therefore, for durability and comfort Dental Implant comes in to picture.

What are Dental Implants?

An implant is a metallic screw made of titanium which is inserted in to the jaw bone to anchor the missing tooth or your denture permanently to the jaw bone.

Who is fit for dental implants?

Anyone in good health of any age group and wants to replace missing teeth. Seeking person should have enough bone in the area of the missing teeth to provide anchorage of the implants.

What are the advantages of Dental Implants over Dentures or a Bridge?

From all angle and aspects Dental Implants are a better solution to the problem of fixing missing teeth.

Does Dental Implants look and feel like your own teeth?

Since Dental Implants integrate into the structure of your bone, they prevent the bone loss and gum recession that often accompany your bridge work and dentures. No one will ever come to know that you have a replacement tooth.

Tooth Saving

Implants don't sacrifice the quality of your adjacent teeth like a bridge does because neighboring teeth are not altered to support the implant. More of your own teeth are left untouched & this is a significant long term benefit to your oral health.


Implants will allow you to once again speak and eat with comfort and confidence. They are firmly anchored and offer freedom from loose denture.

What is the success rate of Dental Implant?

Implants are very successful. In healthy individual the success rate is about 95% to 99%. Smoking, uncontrolled diabetes or other major medical problems will reduce the chances of integration & success ratio.

How are implants done?

Having assessed the quality and quantity of the underlying bone, the faciomaxillary surgeon will place the implants into your jaws. This surgical procedure is usually done under local anesthesia. The healing time of about three to six months are given to allow the implants to integrate with your bone. In the third stage, the prosthodontist will fix the crown or your denture to implant.

Does it hurt to have implants placed?

No. Usually implants are placed under local anesthesia and the actual surgical procedure is not at all painful. After the local anesthetic effect wears out there might be slight discomfort which is managed by simple pain killer tablets.


It is very important to keep you implants clean. Strict cleaning procedures are a special brush or floss should be done regularly. Periodic cleaning by you dentist at least once in three months is recommended.

What Dental Implants can do for you?

  • You can talk, laugh & give that wicked smile without worrying.
  • Your new teeth is firmly anchored
  • Feel just like your own teeth.
  • You can eat without any problem.
  • There is no need to file down adjacent teeth.
  • You can discover your natural smile.

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DentalImplants Tijuana Mexico

If you have a missing tooth or missing teeth, you can have teeth replaced by D B, dentures or dental implants. This article will discuss the difference between dental bridges and partial dentures.

What Are Dental Bridges?

D.B are fixed porcelain replacements of teeth. They can replace one to five teeth with two abutment teeth. They must be placed on healthy teeth.

What Are Partial Dentures?

Partial dentures are removeable acrylic replacements of teeth. They can replace one or all teeth. Partial dentures do not rely on abutment teeth so much, like dental bridges.

What is best For Replacing Teeth?

Dental bridges are fixed and dentures are removable, so depending on your teeth and gum health, the cosmetic dentist can decide what's best for you!

Assessment of Dental Treatment

It is important to have a thorough assessment to see what's the best option for you. This depends on the teeth, gums and x-rays to show the health of the teeth and jaw.

Alternatives of Replacement Teeth

Dental implants are another option to replacing teeth. You must have good jaw bone to accommodate dental implants. A dental bridge or denture can be supported on dental implants.

What Happens if You Don't Replace Teeth?

If you do not replace them then your teeth either side of the gap and opposing the gap, may move. It may be difficult to eat. Your face may sink in the places where your teeth are missing.

Prevention of Tooth Wear

Cosmetic dentists are aware that tooth to tooth contact cannot be completely stopped, but with the night bite guard your teeth are prevented from excessive contact and can help tooth wear! In turn this may alleviate jaw and muscle symptoms.

Perfect Smile Spa specialise in cosmetic dentistry and Dental bridges, Partial dentures. If you would like any further information call Perfect Smile Spa on 01708 442 114.

6 Months Braces Article

People who have an imperfect bite or misaligned teeth can have their teeth straightened using several temporary devices. Depending on the type of problem their teeth have, be it a crooked bite, wide gaps or awry teeth, the orthodentist will evaluate a patient's situation and recommend what kind of removable device a set of teeth may need.

One of these useful temporary devices are braces. Braces have been used for decades to solve a host of dental problems, such as crooked teeth, misaligned upper or lower jaws, and even for the treatment of temporomandibular joint conditions, or TMJ. There are a number of people who grow up with a set of teeth that weren't able to develop properly or evenly, upper and lower jaws of dissimilar sizes, and pressure caused by TMJ. With braces, teeth can be aligned to their proper positions, jaws straightened, and beautiful smiles improved.

In the recent years, more and more kinds of braces have become available to a more discerning public. These have included the standard metal braces with metal wires and brackets, ceramic braces with brackets manufactured from ceramic material, and clear braces custom-designed to be nearly invisible within the mouth. The latter are popular with adults and also go by the name Invisalign.

Another type of braces have hit the market lately. This latest model does away with the lengthy period of time, usually two to four years, that a person needs to wear them on their teeth. People who first encounter the 6 month braces usually react with suspicion and disbelief. How can the long and uncomfortable period necessary to achieve the perfect smile be shortened to a mere 6 months?

Despite speculative responses and skepticism, orthodontists have been quick to defend these new braces. The 6 month braces are installed using the latest techniques and up-to-the-minute technology geared at aligning teeth quickly but in a very safe manner. While they are not to be considered substitutes for comprehensive and thorough orthodontic treatment, people who are in a hurry to get that perfect smile can do so with the 6 month braces.

One of the components used in the 6 month braces are special Nickel Titanium wires. While adults and teenagers alike may worry that the 6 month braces may appear as incongruously as a mouthful of metal, they needn't be overly concerned. The 6 month braces normally come with brackets the same color as teeth. They will hardly be apparent to anyone at all unless actually people look close enough, that a set of teeth are bound in 6 month braces.

Traditional braces usually require the wearer to use clear hard plastic trays to align the teeth. Because the 6 month braces makes use of brackets and wires that are almost invisible, wearers don't need to go through difficult procedures, like taking out clear hard plastic trays before having a meal. And these braces only have to be worn for six months!

Using light force to align teeth gently, the 6 month braces may cause temporary discomfort, such as tightness, which can be eased by over-the-counter pain relievers. Because they use only minimal force and are in place for only half a year, the 6 month braces do not damage teeth or gums in any way. They also cost considerably less than traditional braces, which can normally set the wearer back over $5,000 or more. has a wealth of information about oral health and the importance of dental floss. Learn more about the 6 month braces and accelerated orthodontics, visit our website today!

Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance

Are you suffering from sleep apnea? Do you know that sleep apnea dental appliance can mitigate or eliminate the effects of sleep apnea? In this article we are going to see a brief overview of some regularly used appliances.

Can Sleep Apnea Dental Appliance Reduce Sleep Apnea

What causes sleep apnea? There are a few reasons that may give rise to sleep apnea: 1. the muscles in the throat relaxes too much and significantly narrows the airway. 2. The air passage and the normal flow of breathing may be disturbed when the tongue collapses, or folds back, thereby shutting off the breathing. This is considered to be a severe condition which may affect important organs like the brain and heart. What should be done? Oral appliances have been used to provide positive results in sleep apnea patients due to their effectiveness in treating spleep apnea by controlling the movement of the tongue or by repositioning the lower jaw to allow the airways to stay open. Sometimes, what a patient need is a sleep apnea dental appliance to help their sleep apnea symptoms, but most cases, they are used together with a Continuous Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) machine. To decide if a sleep apnea dental appliance is suitable for you, both your medical doctor and your dentist should jointly study your condition. However, it's paramount that you opt for a dentist that has experience in fitting these oral appliances. Not every dentist knows how, and bear in mind that a poorly fitted appliance may cause other problems.

Different Types Of Oral Appliances

It may be difficult for you to believe that there are over forty different types of sleep apnea dental appliance available to help sleep apnea symptoms. However when you consult your dentist he may tell you these aids fall into two general categories, this will definitely make your selection faster and easier. What are the categories? There are based on how they work or by their specific design.

Tongue retaining appliances and mandibular repositioning appliances are the two most widely used sleep apnea dental appliance. You are going to have the basic idea of how they work because their names are descriptive. How a tongue retaining appliance works is a retainer holds the tongue in a forward position, which prevents the back of the tongue from collapsing during sleep. The next device places the lower jaw in a protruded position to maintain the airway open at all time. Success rate in treating sleep apnea patients with both of these oral appliances have been promising.

How To Identify the Right Dentist

Don't just simply go to any dentist, the one that you are going to choose must have specific knowledge in this area. Remember that getting a right sleep apnea dental appliance is so important. Make sure your nasal passages and airways will be thoroughly examined with a diagnostic tool that uses sound waves. Only then the dentist will have the whole picture and consequently the sleep apnea dental appliance can be correctly fitted.

Do you need more information on sleep apnea Make sure you check Suzy Hughes' excellent free report on sleep-apnea-cure

About Sleep Apnea

Given the fact that obstructive sleep apnea can have devastating health consequences, various solutions have been looked for in the attempt to improve the condition. Thus, companies specialized in oral appliances have come up with a device that can limit the number of episodes of breathing cessation during sleep. The effectiveness of the therapy using the sleep apnea dental appliance has been remarkable as severe conditions were prevented from developing. Less hypertension and lower risks of stroke and heart disease: these are actually the expected results after using the sleep apnea dental appliance. Though most experts recommend such devices for the treatment of the mild and moderate sleep apnea cases, successes have been reputed in severe conditions as well.

A sleep apnea dental appliance is a special mouthpiece designed by the dentist to match the structure of both teeth and jaws; its main function is that of preventing the collapse of the airways and the creation of an insufficient airflow towards the lungs. The sleep apnea dental appliance pulls the tongue and the jaw forward so that the airway remains open all the time, thus ensuring proper sleep and very few awakenings, if any at all. Before the use of such a device proper medical investigations need to be conducted both with the physician and the dentist.

There are several things you should expect from a sleep apnea dental appliance; first of all depending on its complexity and the materials used, the price can range from $50 to $2,000. The most important feature to be looked for in a sleep apnea dental appliance is the comfort; if you have a device custom-made for you, then you are sure quality materials will be the guarantee of a good night's rest. Though price can influence one's choice, it is good to remember that the cheaper the materials, the less comfortable the sleep apnea appliance.

One more thing you should expect from a good sleep apnea dental appliance is the mobility of the device. The problem with the products that you purchase over the counter is that they only have one size and, therefore they will not fit all. However, if the device is custom-made, then the adjustment of the sleep apnea dental appliance is also possible for the most appropriate jaw and tongue position. Certain appliances even allow for side to side and vertical motion, which is great in terms of comfort and the prevention of any jaw health problems.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:


stuttering therapy

sleep apnea

Cure Chronic TMJ

Are you experiencing constant headache, ear pain and pressure in your jaw joint and muscles? Do you have grinding sound and discomforts whenever you open and close your mouth? These are some of the annoying symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder also known as TMJ. It is a dysfunction in the jaw joint and muscles that causes pain and discomforts. Some people have this disorder occasionally but others are experiencing long term symptoms. In this case it is important, to know how to cure chronic TMJ.

Although TMJ symptoms do not indicate serious health problems, it is essential to find a cure to relieve the discomforts. Here are some tips to cure chronic TMJ:

Medications are common cure for chronic TMJ. Of course it is best to ask your health provider which medicine will work best for your condition. In most cases pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. The downside of drugs is that prolong use of medications may lead to addiction and other side effects like liver damage.

Another common cure for chronic TMJ is physical therapy. Jaw exercises and relaxation techniques are very helpful to ease the pain of TMJ. A physical therapist can help you with exercises techniques and if necessary electrical stimulation may be applied to relax the jaw and cure TMJ pain.

Natural remedies are also another method to cure chronic TMJ. Alternative cures are gaining popularity because they are inexpensive and effective to cure some health problems. Conservative cure and treatments are the best option in dealing with TMJ and aggressive treatments must be the last option.

If you want to know how to cure chronic TMJ using natural remedies visit Natural Methods to Eliminate TMJ

To know more about beauty and health natural remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Discover How to Cure Chronic TMJ. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Oral Appliance for Apnea San Diego

There are a variety of treatment options which are available to those experiencing OSA (obstructive sleep apnea).

The one which has been receiving the most attention right now is therapy by using an oral appliance fitted by a dentist. This oral appliance or device is much like dental braces for straightening teeth or a mouth guard to help people who grind their teeth while sleeping.

Read More about Oral Appliance for Apnea

Chula Vista Dentist

Saturday, August 8, 2009

About Dental Implants Chula Vista

About Dental Implants

The success rate of dental implants has astonished researchers, with a 90% success rate for lower jaw implants and a 95% success rate for upper jaw implants, based on figures over five years (source: Upper jaw implants have a slightly higher risk of failure because the upper jaw is less dense, making successful insertion of dental implants more difficult.

The implant procedure takes place over two sittings. In the first instance, your dentist or periodontist inserts the titanium thread into the cavity left by your removed tooth. Three to six months later – after your implant successfully anchors in your jaw – the dental surgeon attaches the crown.

Visit our Chula Vista Dental Office' Website

More information about dental implants

Dental Implants Chula Vista Eastlake SD

A dental implant is a titanium replacement for your tooth root. People lose teeth for all sorts of reasons – accidents, tooth decay, root canal failure – and if the tooth isn't replaced, more teeth could be lost.
The titanium dental implant sits inside the cavity left by a tooth root, and a prosthetic crown sits atop the titanium thread, molded to resemble an actual tooth.

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Monday, August 3, 2009

FW: About Dental Implants Chula Vista

About Dental Implants


The success rate of dental implants has astonished researchers, with a 90% success rate for lower jaw implants and a 95% success rate for upper jaw implants, based on figures over five years (source: Upper jaw implants have a slightly higher risk of failure because the upper jaw is less dense, making successful insertion of dental implants more difficult.


The implant procedure takes place over two sittings. In the first instance, your dentist or periodontist inserts the titanium thread into the cavity left by your removed tooth. Three to six months later – after your implant successfully anchors in your jaw – the dental surgeon attaches the crown.


More information about dental implants and tooth replacement


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About Dental Implants Chula Vista SD

Dental implant technology can also be used to support a dental bridge replacing multiple missing teeth. People needing upper or lower dentures find securing the denture with implants increases stability and comfort.

While traditional dentures and bridgework requires neighboring teeth to be ground down to support the structure, dental implants integrate with the jaw bone and don't require the destruction of other teeth for their support. With a dental implant, you never worry about your jawbone deteriorating – a common problem with dental bridges (the other treatment for missing teeth).

More information about dental implants and tooth replacement

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Dental Implants Chula Vista Eastlake SD

What is a Dental Implant?


If one or more of your teeth has fallen out, your dentist might suggest you get a dental implant. While other options for repairing or replacing single or multiple teeth are available, none have proven to be as successful as the dental implant (which has an approximate success rate of 95%). Many experts proclaim dental implants are "the future of dentistry",


More information about dental implants and tooth replacement


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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Caring for your child's teeth, Chula Vista

It’s all too easy to get caught up in the cares and concerns of our health when we’re adults, but let’s not forget that our little ones need just as much care and attention – sometimes even more so.

We all know that kids can get into all sorts of trouble, whether they’re in the playground or scribbling all over your freshly painted living room wall. Sometimes, though, these mishaps can end up causing a lost tooth or other types of dental damage. That’s where paediatric dentistry comes in. It’s a special branch of dentistry that deals exclusively with children, and it could very well save your child’s smile one day.


What is Paediatric Dentistry?

Because the nature and structure of a child’s teeth differs drastically from that of an adult, the amount of care needed and the way it is delivered needs to be different too. For this reason, paediatric dentistry was created. The ‘behind the scenes’ aspects of paediatric dentistry aims to discover new ways to deal with the various infections and problems that children can encounter, whilst the ‘front line’ is made up of actual paediatric dentists, who are experienced in treating a range of oral hygiene problems in children.


One factor that has to be considered by paediatric dentists is the fact that children often have ‘baby teeth’, which will eventually fall out and be replaced with their adult counterparts. Because the size and shape of these teeth is very different to their adult forms, the tools and procedures are also very different. Paediatric dentists also come across a range of oral hygiene issues with kids because they have a tendency to not want to clean their teeth, and are difficult to convince of the benefits. Call it the arrogance of youth, but for some reason, telling them their teeth will drop out when they’re old doesn’t seem to bother them!


What Are the Benefits of Paediatric Dentistry?

There are a whole host of benefits that are associated with proper paediatric dental care. First and foremost is obviously the health of your child’s teeth. Children are notoriously difficult when it comes to oral hygiene, and a paediatric dentist can give you all sorts of advice which will help you do a better job of imparting the skills necessary for your child to retain a great set of pearly whites.


It is generally recommended that you take your child to see a paediatric dentist roughly once every six months. This will ensure that their teeth are receiving the best possible care. The paediatric dentist will give the child’s teeth a thorough check-up and, if necessary, a good clean. Another benefit of a paediatric dentist is that they are able to provide you with knowledge that you probably couldn’t gain elsewhere. They can teach you how to clean your children’s teeth properly, including flossing and mouthwash if appropriate.


For more information about Dentistry, visit our Chula Vista Dentist Office Website


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic Braces are similar to traditional, metal braces, but made frm ceramic material that makes them virtually non-existent.
Ceramic braces are the choice of most adult patients, and they can also be used in our Six Month’s Braces treatment. Are you a likely candidate for orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontics also treats bite problems (malocclusions) as well as improving the looks of your smile. Teeth or a jaw that's misaligned can cause a malocclusion.

How you feel about your smile, chew, clean your teeth are all affected by Malocclusions.
Why do malocclusions need to be taken care of?

According to research by the American Association of Orthodontists, malocclusions can contribute to a variety of problems if left untreated.

Teeth that crowd are harder to brush and floss properly, and may lead to tooth decay, and gum disease. Teeth that protrude are far more likely to become chipped.

Cross bites cause uneven growth, and wear and tear on the teeth from being uneven. Open bites can lead to tongue thrusting habits, and speech distortion.

Orthodontics is responsible for more than just making smiles attractive; it makes you healthier.

6 Months Braces San Diego

Six Month Braces

If you would like straight teeth in only six months, The Six Month Braces is a swift, affordable way to achieve that smile you've always desired in only six months time.
We can optimize your smile using the six month braces technique to adjust the positions of your teeth.
No matter if your teeth crowd together, overlap, or are spaced, the Six Month Braces technique will afford you the smile you've always wanted, but never thought possible in just six months.
To learn more about Straightening with Braces, contact  

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Cosmetic & Health and Benefits of Dental Implants

You may be wondering why more and more dentists are advocating dental implants over traditional bridgework and dentures. Perhaps you're baulking at the cost and wondering "What exactly will a dental implant do for me?"

Dental implants have several benefits you might not be aware of:


Dental Implants Improve your Confidence

With ordinary dentures your jawbone shrinks and the denture slips out of place, sliding and wobbling in the mouth and causing great discomfort and pain. Your facial muscles struggle to hold the dentures in place, resulting in muscle stress, more pain, and slurred or mumbled speech. The shrinking jawbone muscles give you a lopsided smile and aged face.

Because dental implants are anchored in the jaw itself, they don't move. Goodbye forever, gum irritation and muscle stress! You can smile, talk and sing naturally. Dental implants feel like your natural teeth.

To learn more about replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, contact your local dental professional.

Dental Implants Restore your Taste


With a dental implant you can chew and swallow foods without pain or discomfort. In contrast, a full upper denture covers your palette and reduces your sense of taste. Replacing your upper denture with dental implants allows you to once again taste and enjoy your favorite foods.To learn more about replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, contact


Chula Vista Dentist


Read More about Dental Implants



Friday, July 3, 2009

Chula Vista, Eastlake and Bonita Dentist

At Bonita Del Rey Dental Care we specialize in cosmetic and family dentistry. We are located in Chula Vista, California; we pride ourselves on offering the best personalized care and the most reasonable fees in Chula Vista, Eastlake and Bonita!

Check out our Website

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic Braces are similar to traditional, metal braces, but made frm ceramic material that makes them virtually non-existent.
Ceramic braces are the choice of most adult patients, and they can also be used in our Six Month’s Braces treatment. Are you a likely candidate for orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontics also treats bite problems (malocclusions) as well as improving the looks of your smile. Teeth or a jaw that's misaligned can cause a malocclusion.

How you feel about your smile, chew, clean your teeth are all affected by Malocclusions.
Why do malocclusions need to be taken care of?

According to research by the American Association of Orthodontists, malocclusions can contribute to a variety of problems if left untreated.

Teeth that crowd are harder to brush and floss properly, and may lead to tooth decay, and gum disease. Teeth that protrude are far more likely to become chipped.

Cross bites cause uneven growth, and wear and tear on the teeth from being uneven. Open bites can lead to tongue thrusting habits, and speech distortion.

Orthodontics is responsible for more than just making smiles attractive; it makes you healthier.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Cosmetic & Health and Benefits of Dental Implants

You may be wondering why more and more dentists are advocating dental implants over traditional bridgework and dentures. Perhaps you're baulking at the cost and wondering "What exactly will a dental implant do for me?"

Dental implants have several benefits you might not be aware of:


Dental Implants Improve your Confidence

With ordinary dentures your jawbone shrinks and the denture slips out of place, sliding and wobbling in the mouth and causing great discomfort and pain. Your facial muscles struggle to hold the dentures in place, resulting in muscle stress, more pain, and slurred or mumbled speech. The shrinking jawbone muscles give you a lopsided smile and aged face.

Because dental implants are anchored in the jaw itself, they don't move. Goodbye forever, gum irritation and muscle stress! You can smile, talk and sing naturally. Dental implants feel like your natural teeth.

To learn more about replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, contact your local dental professional.

Dental Implants Restore your Taste


With a dental implant you can chew and swallow foods without pain or discomfort. In contrast, a full upper denture covers your palette and reduces your sense of taste. Replacing your upper denture with dental implants allows you to once again taste and enjoy your favorite foods.To learn more about replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, contact


Chula Vista Dentist


Read More about Dental Implants



Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Save 50% off US Written Dental Quote


Invisalign not included in this offer.

Phone: (619) 482-3265 English & Spanish
International: 011526642002606
  • White Smile Center
  • Tijuana Baja California
  • Paseo De Los Heroes #9150, Suite A6
  • Torre Mol, Zona Rio
  • Tijuana, BC
  • Mexico

Cost Mexican Dentist Gum Treatments

  • Simple Cleaning = $60
  • Deep cleaning (per quadrant) = $80
  • Periodontal Surgery (per quadrant) = $330
Phone: (619) 482-3265 English & Spanish
International: 011526642002606
  • White Smile Center
  • Tijuana Baja California
  • Paseo De Los Heroes #9150, Suite A6
  • Torre Mol, Zona Rio
  • Tijuana, BC
  • Mexico

Cost of Veneers and Lumineers in Mexico Dentist

    Cost of Veneers and Lumineers in Mexico Dentist

  • IPS EMPRESS II = $450
Veneers and Lumineers will cost at least 50% less at our Tijuana Dental Office.

Contact Us now for an appointment
  • Phone: (619) 482-3265 Spanish
  • (619) 482-3265 English
  • International: 011526642002606

Cost of Tooth Extractions At Mexian Dentist

  • Simple Extraction = $60
  • Surgical/Root Extraction = $120
  • Wisdom Tooth Extraction = $180
  • Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extraction = $220
See our full price list.

Phone: (619) 482-3265 Bilingual
International: 011526642002606

White Smile Center
Tijuana Baja California
Paseo De Los Heroes #9150, Suite A6
Torre Mol, Zona Rio
Tijuana, BC

Prices for veneers in Tijuana Mexico

    Cost of Veneers and Lumineers in Mexico Dentist

  • IPS EMPRESS II = $450
Veneers and Lumineers will cost at least 50% less at our Tijuana Dental Office.

Contact Us now for an appointment
  • Phone: (619) 482-3265 Spanish
  • (619) 482-3265 English
  • International: 011526642002606

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dental Phobia, Chula Vista

A fear or anxiety associated with visiting a dentist is often referred to as dental phobia. Dental phobia is often the reason people avoid regular check-ups with a dentist. This naturally has serious consequences for the state of oral health and general well-being for many people.
Neglecting your oral health can have numerous unfavourable effects. One of these could be chronically infected gums which can seriously compromise your ability to chew and digest. You may even lose teeth. Your speech may then be affected. You may also develop consistent bad breath and an unattractive smile. All these things are likely to create social and psychological barriers in your relationships. It is also well documented that poor oral health can have resounding effects on your general health. It is for this reasons and many more that dental phobia must be addressed.
How do you put an end to your dental phobia?
1. Dental fear can be overcome.
Understanding that dental phobia can be overcome is a good beginning. You are not destined to suffer from dental phobia for your entire life. The fear you associate with visiting the dentist can be unlearned. Keep in mind when visiting the dentist that you are not simply a set of teeth but a person. A concerted effort to make use of techniques discussed below can put your fear to rest.
2. A suitable dentist.
It is essential to have a dentist and staff that are suitable. Your visit to the dentist can be pleasant with a dentist who is sympathetic towards your dental phobia. Dentists genuinely concerned about your welfare will listen carefully to your needs and proceed accordingly. You should not hesitate to seek out an alternative dentist in the event that this is not the case.
3. Be honest with your dentist.
There are many treatment options that people do not know about. Several of these could assist you greatly. Try to put aside any embarrassment you feel for the current state of your oral health. Your dentist will be able to help you to a greater degree if you communicate openly and honestly about your concerns.
4. Good communication.
Effective communication between you and your dentist can go a long way to making you feel comfortable. You could eliminate the fear of the unknown by communicating to your dentist such pieces of information as lengths of appointments that you can tolerate. Establishing a signalling system to indicate the need for a break or some other message can also give you confidence. Raising a hand while in the dental chair is a commonly used hand signal.
5. Knowledge.
Obtaining knowledge about prospective dental procedures can put to rest any anxiety. Information regarding dental procedures is readily available in brochures in the practice, books and the internet. Any remaining questions can be answered by your dentist. Your dentist is well aware of the seriousness of dental phobia. So do not hesitate to take part in decisions relating to your treatment plan.
6. Relaxation techniques.
Learning to relax when visiting the dentist is imperative. Various physical relaxation techniques can put your mind at ease. It may do you some good to look into books on diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga.
7. Distraction techniques.
Distraction techniques can assist you to make dental visits more tolerable. One common method used for distraction is to listen to music while your dentist works. Some dental practices keep on hand Walkmans or Discmans. Keep in mind not to hinder your communication when making use of distraction techniques.
8. Predictable pain control.
Local anaesthetics can be utilized to prevent pain. Some people though require more customized techniques in order to attain proper local anaesthesia. It is therefore important that your dentist be made aware of your situation.
Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as 'laughing gas', can relieve pain. Several oral medications can also assist you with dental phobia. Medication such as valium can make you feel considerably relaxed throughout any dental procedure.
A discussion with your dentist could help you to identify a suitable option.
For more information about Stress Free Dental, visit our Chula Vista Dentist Office Website

Making Dental Affordable, Chula Vista, San Diego

In the United States most companies offer their employees dental insurance, but yet many do not. They slip through the holes of the system - the in-betweeners - that have to pay, but struggle to pay the out-of-pocket expenses.

The in-betweeners have two choices, go without any insurance, go to the dentist and take the full attack on their pocketbook, or don't go to a dentist at all and just wait till the ax to fall. And it will - there is a 50-50 chance that a toothache will hit you, or if you're married - your family.


There is more to Dental Health than a winning smile or avoiding that terrible toothache - it is important to your overall health. Let me give you one example.

Joe Smith has just learned that he has diabetes - how can diabetes affect his teeth. If you do not maintain dental health you can be at risk for:

· tooth decay
· gum disease
· salivary gland dysfunction
· fungal diseases
· infections and delayed healing

These problems can be kept in check with preventive oral health care, 6 month or yearly cleanings.

It is easy to forget our teeth, gums and mouth, but they are definitely part of our physical health and well being. And with the help of a good dental health plan - you can prevent bone disease, gum disease and infections.  Visit your local dentists and talk to them about Dental Plans they may have in place to assist those financial burdens.

For more information about Affordable Dentists, visit our Chula Vista Dentist Office Website


Don't Ignore Bad Breath, San Diego

Does this sound familiar to you? My dentist and hygienist mentioned that I had irritated gums as they cleaned my teeth. This is a symptom of gingivitis. Gingivitis can be a stepping stone to major problems in the mouth and gum line. It can lead to periodontal disease, which is a much more serious problem with the potential for actual bone loss.

Halitosis (bad breath) could be related to a gingivitis infection as both are caused by bacteria. Red, swollen and/or bleeding gums characterize gingivitis. These symptoms are most evident upon flossing and sometimes from brushing.

Bacteria cause gingivitis. And bacteria are considered to be responsible for bad breath.

Sometimes, I could even see the bloodstains that the hygienist quietly wiped away with a towel. It was embarrassing enough to know that I wasn't controlling my gingivitis problem, but to know that she was actually trying not to make a big deal out of it was troubling.

I knew my dentist was concerned because she gave me a bottle of alcohol based mouthwash to try and mentioned that she wanted to see how I looked next time. I don't like using it; there is too much alcohol and the taste is not very pleasant. Alcohol may also dry the mucous membranes in the mouth.

For more information about Dentistry, visit our Chula Vista Dentist Office Website