Sunday, March 15, 2009

Reasons Why You Should Get Dental Implants

Why You Should Get Dental Implants

There are about a gazillion reasons as to why you should get your own set of Houston dental implants. These reasons range from the physical, mental, emotional and even psychological aspects of one's life. These reasons are usually the things that people are dying to have especially if they are having problems with teeth loss. Try to read through the list and you may find the answer you are looking for.
Improve physical features
One thing about teeth loss is that it makes people look older than their age. Once all of the teeth are gone, the lower one-third region of the bones begin to collapse. If implants are placed, the bone structure is kept intact. For those who have undergone surgery to bring back the bone structure together with the dental implants, their faces will not sag. This in turn eliminates wrinkles that are caused by the sagging of the face.
Also, dental implants give almost all of the strength and capabilities of natural teeth. It allows you to comfortably chew and bite any kind of food that were impossible to eat with you dentures. Above all, by replicating natural teeth, the mouth does not cave in, thus your mouth looks and feels completely natural.
Restore pleasurable eating
Since dental implants bring back almost all of the functionality of the teeth, you can again enjoy eating all the foods that you could not when you were still wearing dentures. You will be able to fully enjoy the taste of the food you are eating since nothing is covering the mouth anymore. Dental implants do not require having the roof of your mouth covered so your mouth will also regain all if its tasting capabilities.
Be physically healthier
If before your diet was greatly affected by the limited number of foods you can include in your meals, with dental implants you will be able to add more variation in your diet. Thus, the nutritional value of your diet could also increase. Chewing of the food is more efficient so you will be able to chew your food more properly. This would eliminate some of the stomach problems that you experience while still wearing dentures.
Also, bacteria accumulation in dentures is very high. You continuously wear and take off dentures from your mouth so you always need to clean them every now and then. As for dental implants, cleaning happens at the same time as you are brushing your teeth. Implants stay in your mouth and bacteria build up is not common.
Restore social functions
Teeth loss and wearing of dentures paralyze people and lead them to act inhibited among people. You smile, laugh and talk less. They always have this fear that with any sudden burst of emotion, their dentures would fly off. Thus, they become more withdrawn from society and are more aloof.
Also, the feeling of discomfort often bothers dentures users. They often get irritated by the messy dentures adhesive or if the dentures does not fit properly anymore, sores in the gums also bother the users. In fact, users would not feel entirely that what they are using is not their natural teeth.
Have healthier dental health
Dentures cause damage to the teeth where the clamps are attached. They put pressure on the teeth where they are hooked, eventually causing the teeth to come off. Instead of causing comfort and solution to the problem of teeth loss, wearing dentures cause more harm than solution.
If these are not reasons enough to put a conclusion to what you have been confused about as to whether or not you are going to get yourself your own Houston dental implants, then you are not really looking for a solution. Otherwise, you would be on your way to your local dentist even before this article ends.
A leader in Houston Dental Implants, Dr. Tom Heap and his 30 years of experience serves the community as a general practitioner with an emphasis on Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry. He provides solutions for the smallest of needs up to and including the most complex smile rejuvenations.

What Are Dental Implants

You have been having problems with your dentures and you have finally decided to get yourself your own set of Houston dental implants. You have been hearing about it for quite some time and you noticed that a lot of people are pretty satisfied with it. However, you don't know what it is and how it works. You have some idea but you want to make sure.
How do dental implants work?
Unlike the regular set of dentures that we use to replace missing teeth, dental implants are much more reliable. They just do not replace one or more missing teeth, they also support non-removable permanent bridges for multiple teeth or support a full or partial denture with clasps or retention bars.
Dentures just replace what you do not have in a superficial level. They just hide the missing teeth that you do not have. They do not answer your problems of chewing and facial distortion over the years. On the other hand, what dental implants do is they replace every single thing that you loose once you loose a tooth. Usually, if you loose a tooth, the bone structure from where that lost tooth was would eventually disappear. Surgical operations included in putting dental implants also include restoration if a bone-like structure (not done for those lucky ones who still have their bone structure intact) where the implant can be placed. It is because of this that dental implants can help prevent additional tooth loss and a sunken facial appearance.
Dental implants are made up of three separate pieces. These are the implant, the abutment and the crown.
1. the implant - usually made from titanium, this is the one fused in your bone.
2. the abutment - this is the one responsible for the "anchorage of a bridge or a denture."
3.the crown - this is the "anatomical area of teeth, usually covered with enamel."
When the implants become completely integrated in the jaw, a porcelain tooth is attached to the abutment. This porcelain tooth is carefully styled to look like the original teeth of the user. Aside from a convenient fit, the implants would look like the same as the set of teeth that the user has.
Are the implants good for everybody?
One important thing about having dental implants is that there are specific requirements that somebody should have before they can undergo the surgical procedure to have Houston dental implants. Good health and healthy gums are needed. Incomplete bone structure, however, is not a big problem. Your dentist will give an option which you can discuss.
Do I have options as to what kind of dental implants to have?
Recovery takes around four to six months. If you find the wait too long, there is a new kind of dental implants that you can opt to have. These are called "immediate load" implants. However, you need to have excellent bone quality, you can choose to get immediate load implants. In this way, there is enough support for the implant to take on the pressure brought upon by chewing and whole replacement process.
Here is the basic information on dental implants. To know more, go to your dentists or a dental implants center and get all the additional information that you need - all guaranteed to help you make up your mind to get your own Houston Dental Implants.
A leader in Houston Dental Implants, Dr. Tom Heap and his 30 years of experience serves the community as a general practitioner with an emphasis on Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry. He provides solutions for the smallest of needs up to and including the most complex smile rejuvenations.

Who is a Candidate For Dental Implants

Dental Implants are artificial replacement teeth that are attached firmly to the bone. Implants can be used to substitute lost tooth, or can serve as anchors for fixed bridges which would replace several missing teeth. This is achieved by placing a small titanium screw or cylinder in the upper or lower jaw bone. It works as a substitute for the root of missing tooth thus providing an anchor for new teeth/tooth.
Dental implants are an ideal option for people in good general oral health who have lost one or more teeth due to periodontal disease or an injury. Candidates for dental implants need to have healthy gums and adequate bone to support the implant. A thorough evaluation by your dentist will help determine whether dental implants are right for you.
Dental implants are actually more tooth-saving than traditional bridgework, since implants do not rely on neighboring teeth for support. In a bridge, the teeth surrounding the site of the missing teeth must be shaved down and fitted with crowns.
In general, dental implants is a right choice if you:
Have one or more missing teeth : If you're missing one tooth or all of your teeth, implants may be for you. So long as you have enough bone in the area of the missing tooth to facilitate the anchorage of the implants, this procedure can yield good results.
Have a jawbone that's reached full growth and have healthy oral tissues :
Have adequate bone to secure the implants, or are able to have a bone grafting procedure.
If you don't have enough bone for this purpose, a bone graft may be necessary. If you have a small dental bridge or partial dentures (removable type), implants can be an alternative. Implants are an alternative to a fixed bridge. The implant will last a lifetime, but the crown on top of it will last ten to fifteen years.
To Know more about dental Implant log on to
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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why Does the Cost of Dental Implants Vary So Much?

It can be frustrating and confusing trying to find out just how much a dental implant is going to cost. Why does the cost vary so much from dentist to dentist, and why after your initial consultation can you be given yet a different price again? We ourselves have seen patients quoted everything from €500 to €7,500 for a single implant.


Unfortunately, as much as we would all like to compare prices directly, dentistry is a complicated business and you need to make sure you are comparing like with like. Many unscrupulous clinics and agents will try to exploit this complexity in an attempt to make their services seem like better value. It is possible to save a fortune by shopping around, but it pays to be well informed. Here are some of the leading factors that determine the final price of a dental implant.


The Type of Implant


If the price you have been quoted simply looks too low, make sure that it for a normal implant that will act as a titanium root for a full crown, as opposed to a mini-implants. Mini-implants are smaller and are designed to anchor lower dentures. Normally several mini-implants are required to fix dentures in place.


The Brand


There are a large number of brands (over 50) that supply the titanium screws to dentists. Each brand has its unique advantages and price. At the cheaper end there is a brand like Ankylos, which normally has a 5 year materials guarantee. At the more expensive end you have brands such as Nobel Biocare and Straumann, both of which normally come with a 10 year materials guarantee. Most implant specialists will offer a range of brands, with the difference in price being as much as 60%. Therefore when comparing prices you need to know exactly which brand is going to be used.


The Cap


The cap, sometimes called the abutment, sits on top of the implant and acts as a base for the crown. It is important to understand if the price you have been quoted includes the cap or not. Otherwise you could end up with an unexpected bill. As with the implant, there are several types of cap, for example titanium and zirconium, and the price varies by as much as 100%. Once again make sure you know what brand and material of cap has been included in the price you have been quoted.


Temporary Crown


Normally an implant is left in place for at least 3 months to let it attach properly to the jaw before the crown is placed. Some clinics offer a temporary crown that can be immediately placed on the implant, giving you the benefit of better smile during the healing process. You should know if the price you have been quoted includes this temporary crown.


Permanent Crown


The crown is the artificial tooth that is screwed or cemented onto each individual implant. Once again there are a huge range of different types of crowns each with their own benefits and prices. Go here to read more about dental crowns.


The Condition of your Jaw Bone


If the bone in your jaw is narrow or soft, then an implant will not have a good foundation for bonding properly with the jaw, and will most likely fail in a short period. This doesn't mean that you can't get an implant, but it does mean that you will most likely need a bone graft. This is where a piece of bone is removed from a different part of your body and grafted onto your jaw. This can add considerable expense to the process.


The Condition of your Teeth & Gums


The conditions of your teeth and gums also have an important role in determining the final price you are quoted. Gum disease will need to be treated prior to the implant procedure, and crowded teeth have to be accommodated. Normally this can only be discovered after the initial consultation with the dentist.


The Dentist's Fee


The single largest element that affects the overall price of a dental implant is the Dentist's own fee. Basically this is the amount he or she is charging once all their costs have been taken away. The variation in the dentist fee between countries is staggering with differences of up to 1000%.


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Caelen King is founder and CEO of, a medical tourism search engine allowing customers to search and compare treatments and prices around the world and to arrange a no commitment direct consultation with their chosen clinic.


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San Diego

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Is Teeth Replacement For You?

There are several reasons teeth replacement work needs to be completed. Many times it is due to an accident of some type. Whether it's an auto accident, a slip and fall or a foul baseball gone horribly wild, a mouth injury can definitely lead to teeth replacement.


Sometimes teeth need replacing due to disease - and that can be done as well. If you've lost teeth due to gum disease or decay, it doesn't necessarily mean braces are the only answer. Today's technology for replacement is really quite remarkable. Not only is it more predictable and faster than in the past, teeth replacement can be done at a much more reasonable price than you think.


With today's modern technology, your dentist no longer needs to cut down your healthy teeth in order to secure your replacement teeth. You don't need to settle for dentures either. Your replacement teeth can be permanently fixed to your current teeth for a comfortable, safe solution for your smile. Now, technology gives you a choice- you can now get replacements that look so real, no one will ever know the difference. You can replace one tooth, several teeth or even all of your teeth with this procedure.


Dentures can really compromise chewing ability, but teeth replacement avoids that problem. In fact, with teeth replacement, most people report 50% to 80% of their original chewing ability is restored with implant replacement teeth when compared to dentures.


Dental implants are a long term solution to lost teeth. While the procedure might appear expensive at first, the quality means you won't need to replace them like you do dentures or partial plates. In the long run, implants can be the most economical way to fix your missing teeth. When you consider the confidence and comfort they provide as well, the value is clear.


Modern implants are made from a high-quality dental ceramic and nothing provides a more realistic, stronger replacement for your natural teeth. Once they are fitted and bonded, you'll never have to worry about slipping or those awful gooey, gunky, sticky- icky dental adhesives- ever. Your teeth will remain solid and you can get back to the business of living- including smiling, laughing, eating and drinking without pain or embarrassment. No one will ever know, but you!


Why not solve your problem of missing teeth once and for all? Check out an experienced dentist today and find out if implants are right for you.


Jack Thompson is cosmetic dentistry patient whose smile has benefited from professional teeth whitening for over 10 years. For more information on teeth whitening, contact


Article Source:


Lynn & Kym Brown

SEO & Website Accessibility Consultant & Services


San Diego

Home: 619 269-5372


Low Cost Dental Implants

Dental implants are a revolutionary development in terms of dental technology and are giving more and more people a reason to smile! Unfortunately due to the high cost of dental implants, they are still not accessible to many who could benefit tremendously from them. From the time dental implant surgery is undertaken until its final restoration is a period of three months to a year. The patient is billed according to how many implants are put into his/her mouth and the kind of restoration that is done at the end. Depending on the patient, the fees can run anywhere from $1,000 to as much as $25,000.

The most readily undertaken dental implant surgery ranges from $850 to $3,500. A single implant will cost a patient less money than a need for many. To give an example, the replacement of one tooth by way of a dental implant costs approximately the same as a dental bridge does. Patients who require bone grafting will pay more than those who do not. The prices for dental implants vary greatly from country to country (and sometimes from dentist to dentist). For these reasons it is essential for a patient to do his or her research before committing to a particular dental procedure.

Some insurance plans cover part of dental implants but not all, while other companies class the surgery as strictly cosmetic and do not cover the procedure at all. There are many people who have no insurance coverage whatsoever. For all of the above reasons, many individuals seek low cost dental implants but don’t want to sacrifice good work for cheaper prices.

One option is to find out whether or not payment plans are available with the dentists in your local area. Often this is the case as many dentists realize that why most people value their teeth, it is often not their number one priority. Payment plans can offer flexibility to those who need it most. Most will offer a monthly plan but if you preferred to pay bi-weekly this could probably be worked out as well. Check into this before making a final decision.

If low cost dental implants are something you seek then the best place to look is at one of the many dental clinics scattered throughout the country. These charitable dental clinics are staffed by students in their latter stages of training to be qualified dentists, and they are both assisted and supervised in their work by professional and experienced dentists. They offer their dental services based on how much money a patient earns on a yearly basis. However many of these clinics have long waiting lists due to the modest fees they charged their patients. As well, many of these charitable clinics are only open on specific days (for example Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and may not have evening or weekend hours. Many of these dental clinics do not provide emergency care and only accept patients from the local community and not from afar. While many of these charitable clinics do routine dental work such as cleanings, fillings, dentures, partials and extractions, some may or may not offer dental implants as a procedure. However there are some that offer this service so take the time to find out.

Many people travel outside of the United States in order to find low cost dental implants. However the extra cost for travel and miscellaneous expenses may or not be something many people can undertake. Still others decide to forego conventional dental implants and instead opt for single day implants (or a procedure known as denture stabilization). These mini-implants can be placed in the mouth at a fraction of the cost of more traditional ones and take only a few short hours to complete. Denture stabilization (as the name implies) serves to “stabilize” a denture or other prosthetic device in order to effectively have it stay in the place it is meant to stay in.

Stephanie Dilson is a Dental Surgeon and in her spare time runs an informational site on Dental Implants for all those interested in the process to find out valuable information on the cost, benefits, risks and features of this increasingly popular procedure. For more information see

Article Source:


Lynn & Kym Brown

SEO & Website Accessibility Consultant & Services


San Diego

Home: 619 269-5372

Philadelphia Implant Dentists

Dental implants are a specialized part of dentistry. Naturally, there are specialists for dental implants. What they do is to “implant” teeth, if you have lost one, due to any reason. Whatever may be the reason, loosing teeth has tremendous psychological and physical impact on a person. Besides your appearance, you lose the functionality of that particular tooth. One may feel low on confidence and self-esteem, too.
People who have lost a tooth need not despair anymore, thanks to the advent of dental implants. If you are in Philadelphia, you have many a dentist and hospital which offer this service. People who lose a tooth can rectify their situation through dental bridgework. A dental bridge is nothing but a false tooth, held together by a set of crowns on the adjacent sides. In most cases, where one has lost one tooth, the adjacent teeth also are prepared by drilling to accommodate the new tooth. Although some are comfortable with this treatment, many others may feel uncomfortable with the dental bridges. This is where dental implants can help you.
Dental implants have gained popularity over dental bridges in recent times. Dental implants are essentially a titanium screw that is fused with the bone tissue and is anchored into the jaw bone. Once the implant is fused firmly with the jawbone, a porcelain crown is fastened onto the exposed portion of the dental implant. And voila, you have a brand new artificial tooth that looks and feels like a real thing. Moreover, unlike in the case of dental bridges, the adjacent teeth need not be affected.
Philadelphia has a number of dentists who can offer you dental implants. They are among the most renowned physicians in the implant dentistry. You can locate them through the local yellow pages or through online resources.
Philadelphia Dentists provides detailed information on Low Cost Philadelphia Dentists, Philadelphia Cosmetic Dentists, Philadelphia Dentists, Philadelphia Emergency Dentists and more. Philadelphia Dentists is affiliated with Laser Tooth Whitening.

Side Effects of Teeth Whitening Products

Our main goal when we undergo teeth whitening processes is to have our teeth whitened per se and not to add more problems to it. Understanding the root of the problem and knowing the possible solutions for it and at the same time knowing its effects on our problem is the first and the best thing to do.
Common Teeth Whiteners and Processes
When we have discolored or yellowish teeth, our first major option is to seek an expert dental advice. Upon seeing the onset of discoloration on your teeth, your dentist may suggest either of these methods and procedures:
  • Clinically supervised methods. It is the most likely solution you can get from your dentist wherein your dentist itself will grab the opportunity of your teeth problem and would be more than willing to give a solution to it.
These clinical procedures may include:
  • Laser teeth whitening
  • Veneers
  • Teeth bleaching
Other procedures include herbal remedies which utilize effective herbs as primary tooth whitening agents, home-based techniques using natural ingredients found in our homes like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, salt, acids from fruits and take-home kits which is a clinically prepared stuffs that contains all the essentials in it.
Nobody's Perfect
It is given that regardless of the procedures and methods available to whiten teeth, their aim is one and only one, to bring back the shine in our teeth. But in spite of this aspiration, each of them can have a varying effect as well as risks depending on the sensitivity of the person to a certain treatment. Risks also vary depending on how the procedures and techniques were carried out.
Risks and Side Effects
Clinical procedures were known to be more effective compared to procedures done at home. It is true because clinically used elements contain a much stronger concentration compared to those being used in take home kits. Hydrogen peroxide in clinical procedures can sometimes have as high as ten times more concentration than what is being used in take-home kits. This explains its effectiveness. But remember that the risks of having burned gums and lips and permanently sensitive teeth after the procedure is through would also be ten times greater if the procedure would go wrong.
Laser procedure is considered as a very effective method in whitening the teeth but it is not recommended for those having sensitive teeth. It can cause permanent teeth damage in such cases.
Veneers can be one of the best options for you but aside from its very high cost, you might also get stuck in going back many times to your dentist to complete the installation. This process by the way only covers your teeth to hide away the color.
On the other hand, natural, herbal and other at-home teeth whitening remedies can also cause undesired side effects ranging from sensitivity of teeth to stripped-off enamel. Be careful when using these products. A home based technique sometimes poses a greater intensity of side effects and risks compared to clinical methods due to lack of expert supervision. No matter what kind of procedure you opted for, take precautionary measures religiously.

Monday, March 9, 2009

What is a Cosmetic Dentist, Mexico

There are a lot of dentists who are not really cosmetic dentists but call themselves one. The problem is that cosmetic dentistry is not really a legally recognized specialty. So any dentist can say that he is a cosmetic dentist because there are no clear legal restrictions. There are some dentists who think they already know all about cosmetic dentistry just because they have years of experience in the use of dental fillings and crowns. But there is actually extra training before becoming a legitimate cosmetic dentist which can take years.

Cosmetic dentists received training in order for them to create implants and dental appliance and not just to remedy minor teeth problems. They pay a lot of attention to detail together with creativity. Here's a common scenario: A patient comes up to a general dentist stating that something is wrong. There are times when the general dentist will say there is nothing wrong with the patient's teeth, but actually, the patient is not just referring to his teeth, but the overall appearance of his smile which only a trained and cosmetic dentist can understand.
It takes more than just scientific knowledge to become a cosmetic dentist. One actually has to use a lot of communication skills. A cosmetic dentist has to know what a patient wants. A general dentist simply diagnoses the surface problem, and then fixes it. On the other hand, a cosmetic dentist determines or identifies what is needed to attain what the patient wants.
A cosmetic dentist can also help in improving overall personality. He can help you not only with your appearance, but can also improve the way you speak or improve your eating habits as well. So not only can he improve your overall look by a smile makeover, but can also help you improve you as a person.
For more information about Dentistry, visit our Tijuana Dentist Office Website

Mexican Cosmetic Dentist

A cosmetic dentist aims to improve the overall appearance of a patient's smile. With the advancement of technology, there are a number or machines and tools that can be used to perform procedures that can get this done. Cosmetic dentists have taken advantage of such technology to help their patients not only with their teeth but with their physical health as well.
Teeth fillings are usually made from amalgam of silver or gold. However, if you open your mouth, these fillings will be visible to other people. Since cosmetic dentists are concerned about the appearance, the fillings that they recommend and actually use are matched to the color of the tooth enamel.
There are a lot of other services that are offered by a cosmetic dentist that will improve your appearance. But there are two main services that a cosmetic dentist can provide. The first is a smile makeover which aims to improve the appearance of your overall smile through services such as teeth whitening, veneers, and dental braces.
The second one is a full mouth reconstruction. It involves the process of correcting the bones, gums, teeth, and muscles. More than one dentist is usually needed in order to complete the procedure for a full mouth reconstruction. This is a very complicated operation for those who might suffer from trauma or accidents that need specialized service.
For more information about Dentistry, visit our Tijuana Dentist Office Website

Friday, March 6, 2009

Implants Improve more than your Smile, San Diego

Missing teeth can ruin your smile.  Luckily, several solutions are now available, including dental implants, which offer a fixed alternative to removable dentures and also provide excellent support for partial dentures and bridges.

What are dental implants?  Manufactured from a metal such as titanium, these natural-looking artificial teeth are surgically inserted into the upper or lower jaw bone to replace one or more teeth. 

Dental implants are strong and durable and typically last for years with proper oral care but occasionally, there may be a need to tighten or replace them due to normal wear.

Why choose dental implants

  • Feel proud of your smile again
  • Be more confident when speaking with others
  • Enhance your facial features
  • Improve your ability to chew and digest your food
  • Fix bite problems caused by teeth shifting into missing tooth space
  • Support a bridge or partial denture by making them more secure

More information about dental implants and tooth replacement

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Caring for Your Implants

At first, you will need to have checkups every three months, but eventually you can reduce your dental visits to every six months. Studies have shown that dental implants can last as long as 25 years.  So remember - care for your dental implants the same way you care for your natural teeth - brush and floss daily.


As always, proper diet, good oral hygiene and regular dental visits are the keys to extending the life of your dental implant and your winning smile.

More information about dental implants and tooth replacement

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Single Tooth Implants Chula Vista, SA

When a patient needs a tooth replaced, we often recommend dental implants.  Made of an extremely strong and durable metal called titanium, the single-tooth dental implant will stabilize your bite, help prevent possible speaking or chewing difficulties and maintain your beautiful smile.


A missing tooth can change the alignment of your bite, which may cause jaw joint discomfort.  In addition, your surrounding teeth can shift which may create spaces where harmful plaque and tartar collect.  Over time, this may lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

More information about dental implants and tooth replacement

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Mini Implants Chula Vista

I’ve had dentures since I was about 25, after a difficult pregnancy; so for the past 35 years, I’ve suffered with loose lower dentures which caused embarrassment when they would pop out when I threw my head back and laughed, or kissed, constantly had food caught under them.  I was in pain from sores caused by the loose dentures and my habit of gritting my teeth only made the ulcers happen more frequently.  This caused me to remove the dentures and quite often I would forget to put them back in when I went out causing even more embarrassment.



Having Fibromyalgia, I was scared about getting anything done, I’m so sensitive to pain, but Dr. Aldo and all his staff were friendly, supportive, and he was so quietly spoken, gentle and a real calming influence. So I had Mini Implants put in, to hold my dentures in place. Within an hour I was walking out of the Bonita Del Rey Dental Office with snug fitting dentures.


Within a few days I could eat pop-corn, crackers, cold cereal with sugar, even an apple after a week or so. Now the only time my lower dentures are removed is to clean them, I even sleep in them.


I recommend these Mini Implants to hold lower dentures snuggly in the mouth to anyone, and you won’t beat Dr Aldo Espinosa, for either a gentle painless procedure or for price.


Sharron L Brown

More information about dental implants and tooth replacement

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Dental Implant Advancing Cosmetic Dentistry Eastlake

There have been very few advances in Cosmetic Dentistry that have had as great an impact as Dental Implants. Restoring a person's ability to chew or desire to smile is a reward without any comparison. Surprisingly, the ability to eat and maintain proper nutrition finishes a distant second behind the overwhelming degree of confidence and self-esteem that comes from a healthy and beautiful smile. It reminds me of the early days of the comedy show Saturday Night Live, as one can easily see the truth behind Billy Crystal's skit when he said "it's better to look good than to feel good".

Whether for vanity, health or otherwise, there are many reasons why dental restoration is an important consideration for anyone with loose, missing, or decayed teeth, which have occurred either naturally or accidentally. More information about dental implants and tooth replacement

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San Diego Dental Implants Improve Self Esteem

The most important consideration for dental restoration and implants has more to do with the way a person feels about oneself. Without question, dental implants will improve your appearance, since they look, feel and function exactly like natural teeth. And, as a result will undoubtedly improve self-esteem and confidence with a healthy and natural smile.

More information about dental implants and tooth replacement

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Eastlake Implants Worth Every Penny

Implants are certainly more expensive than most of the other alternatives, but the fact remains that they have rapidly become the first option for replacing missing teeth. It's a choice, the popularity of which has been due in large part to the predictability of the procedure and resulting convenience to the dental patient. So, if this procedure is within the range of affordability, the choice for dental implantation can be considered nothing less than a life enhancing decision.

More information about dental implants and tooth replacement

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

About Braces what to Expect

What To Expect: A majority of patients wear braces anywhere from one to three years, depending upon your individual needs, followed by briefly wearing a retainer meant to hold your teeth in position.
Optimum comfort is an objective behind the design of your braces.
If you or your child has to wear braces, we recommend using special toothbrushes, rinses, and plaque fighting tablets to ensure the teeth and gums stay clean and healthy.   Brush Often, after every meal and snack.  Replace toothbrushes every three months as the pressure from the braces can wear the bristles down quickly.  If you are unable to brush, rinse after eating, no exceptions. Bits of food can be removed from between the teeth and gums by using dental floss.
Your dentist may give you floss with a special threader to assist with flossing.  Watch out for small pieces of food left behind, and remove them instantly to avoid gum infections and tooth decay.  The Six Month Braces is the quick, affordable way to help you have the smile you've desired in only six months.
To learn more about Straightening with Braces, contact  

Read More about Braces Here
6 Month Braces | Traditional Braces | Braces - Ceramic

Dental Implants Improve your Sex Life

Dental Implants Improve your Sex Life

Research published in the Journal of Dentistry suggests that adults between the ages of 35-65 fitted with dental implants experience greater comfort during kissing and sexual activity. Other patients fitted with conventional dentures reported their dentures became loose during kissing, eating and speaking. (J. S. Feine, G Heydecke, M. Thomason, J P Lund, Journal of Dentistry, 7 Jan 2005).


Dental Implants Protect your Remaining Teeth


If a tooth is removed without replacement, it causes your other teeth to shift and plaque to gather in the gap. Over the years, the situation becomes worse and worse, and you could lose all your teeth. Replacing your lost tooth with a dental implant prevents your other teeth from meeting the same fate.


Dental implants help you look good, feel confident and stay healthy. What better reasons could you have for considering a dental tooth implant?


To learn more about replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, contact


Chula Vista Dentist


Read More about Dental Implants




Cosmetic Benefits of Dental Implants

Health and Cosmetic Benefits of Dental Implants

You may be wondering why more and more dentists are advocating dental implants over traditional bridgework and dentures. Perhaps you're baulking at the cost and wondering "What exactly will a dental implant do for me?"

Dental implants have several benefits you might not be aware of:


Dental Implants Restore your Taste

With a dental implant you can chew and swallow foods without pain or discomfort. In contrast, a full upper denture covers your palette and reduces your sense of taste. Replacing your upper denture with dental implants allows you to once again taste and enjoy your favorite foods.


Dental Implants Improve your Confidence

With ordinary dentures your jawbone shrinks and the denture slips out of place, sliding and wobbling in the mouth and causing great discomfort and pain. Your facial muscles struggle to hold the dentures in place, resulting in muscle stress, more pain, and slurred or mumbled speech. The shrinking jawbone muscles give you a lopsided smile and aged face.

Because dental implants are anchored in the jaw itself, they don't move. Goodbye forever, gum irritation and muscle stress! You can smile, talk and sing naturally. Dental implants feel like your natural teeth.

To learn more about replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, contact your local dental professional.


To learn more about replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, contact


Chula Vista Dentist


Read More about Dental Implants



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dental Implants Chula Vista San Diego

What is a Dental Implant?

If one or more of your teeth has fallen out, your dentist might suggest you get a dental implant. While other options for repairing or replacing single or multiple teeth are available, none have proven to be as successful as the dental implant (which has an approximate success rate of 95%). Many experts proclaim dental implants are "the future of dentistry",

More information about dental implants and tooth replacement

Single Tooth Dental Implants East Lake San Diego

When a patient needs a tooth replaced, we often recommend dental implants. Made of an extremely strong and durable metal called titanium, the single tooth dental implant will stabilize your bite .... Read More